; one direction "drag me down" mv review

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          So, One Direction did a thing again at ass o'clock, but it was bone chilling and utterly amazing, so we'll let it slide. But not without a review first, of course. I better make this snappy – I have a wedding tomorrow.

DRAG ME DOWN: The Odd Music Video That Has Nothing to Do with the Song

Warning: this review may be a tiny bit Larry-centric so if you don't understand some of the things I'm referencing...sorry.

          The very first thing we get is Next to You, and ot4 are all astronauts at NASA. Like, okay. I'll bite. And then we get Harry. HARRY IT ALL COMES OUT IN THE WASH STYLES WITH HIS LUSCIOUS LOCKS THAT ARE PRETTIER (AND LONGER) THAN MINE AND A FACE OF AN ANGEL I JUST. Not to mention that jacket, I mean Jesus... I've never owned – and will never own – an article of clothing that attractive. It's more attractive than I am?

          And then Louis, I'm sorry???!?1!!? What on earth is this cinematography that finally did the boy justice because he looks like a god? Not to mention that TRANSITION. From Harry to Louis, hallelujah I'll take that kind of transition over You and I's transitions any day and I think I speak for the entire fandom. No but honestly Harry gives him a run for his money, but in my totally honest opinion Louis looks the best in this video and I'm so happy.

          LIAM THOUGH. Someone put him in the next Avengers film. Seriously. Anyone who looks that good sweating and working out needs to be immortalized on a feature-length film. He just...ugh, and when the attention is on him at the beginning of his solo, I have no idea what his eyebrows are doing but I'm one hundred and ten percent here for it; I'm a sucker for attractive eyebrows.

          Niall had so much fun the entire time, and you have no clue how exciting that was for me because I just love Neil :( :( :( He deserves that amount of happiness and a ton more and just... I mean he had his chest hair hanging out and everything, like that's when you know. THAT'S WHEN YOU kNOw.

          Of the four of them, Louis definitely looked like he could work at NASA though. I don't know if it was because he was an astronaut in the Between Us fragrance video so it's already a familiar thought, but he always looked so serious and into it when he was being filmed inside one of the machines and whatnot. It was a good look on him, let's be real. AND HIS HAIR I'm sorry I know this video isn't all about their looks but can you blame me for gushing?

          Harry as an alien is an image I never knew I needed in my head until now so thanks for that Ben.

          Okay, this might sound weird and dear God I hope I explain it all right, but I think one of my favorite things about this video is when they're on what I'm assuming is some kind of runway thing or ginormous parking lot and the camera is always moving away from them or going around them and they kind of have to turn with it or run toward it or whatever, Harry's full-body shots are legitimately art? I have no idea what it is about his shots, and maybe it's just because he commands the scene so well, but oh my God I think those parts of the video got me pregnant.

          Also, HUGE fan of the rainbow couples mug. I don't know whose idea that was, but A+.

          Speaking of things that got me pregnant, the first "DOOooOOooOoOOoooOOOoWN" Harry did toward the end. Just...his face. His face. I need not say more.

          Listen, another Next to You in the ship? Okay. I don't know what you're trying to do here, but I like it. I'm here for it.


          Wow, so that was snappy enough. If this is unorganized and crappy, I'd apologize but I'm not entirely sorry. I just had to lay it all out there. Basically, after having watched it several times, I couldn't even tell you if it's a good video or not. I just know they all looked like Heaven and I'm having quadruplets. Goodnight.

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