; little mix "glory days" album review

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         I can't believe it's already been a year since I wrote my review for Little Mix's Get Weird album. I still remember the night I sat down and listened to a majority of the album for the first time, writing my thoughts on each track as I went. Hearing "Secret Love Song" and falling to pieces, and then "Secret Love Song, Pt. II" and being crushed into tiny dust particles. Feeling embarrassed to listen to "A.D.I.D.A.S." So many great memories, and it all feels like just yesterday.

         And now, here I am. A year older, lacking a year's worth of sleep probably, and beyond ready for more Little Mix music. No matter how many times One Direction lets me down, I always have Little Mix.

         Unlike last time, this won't be a review based on first listen. The only track I'll be hearing for the first time is the acoustic version of "Touch." I had to listen to whatever wasn't released early last night – seriously, I couldn't wait. I've been ready for this album since even before "Shout Out To My Ex" came out. Imagine the state I was in after.

          So, here we go (p.s. this is the deluxe album):

01: SHOUT OUT TO MY EX – 10/10

                  This song. Like, I feel like we didn't take this for the warning that it was. Or at least I didn't. After the line "I hope she gettin' better sex / hope she ain't faking it like I did" I should have realized that whatever rules that kept them from saying things like "dick" and "sex" in Get Weird were long gone, because...wow. But anyway, apart from that, I loved this song immediately. It was like hearing "Black Magic" for the first time all over again. Such a bop. You've all heard it a million times already I'm sure, so I won't go on and on about it, but just honestly bless this song. I'm so glad they recorded and released it. Favorite lyric: (It's not a lyric, I just love all the high notes okay sue me those are my favorite parts)

02: TOUCH – 8.5/10

                  As dance-y as "Shout Out To My Ex" is, this is really the first sample of the type of music Little Mix brings us with this album. A lot of the tracks are meant for the dance floor, and this one is no exception. And I mean, so was SOTME, but there's that DJ beat and the remix-y sounds that I associate with club hits, and "Touch" kind of hints at all of that during the chorus. SOTME is more of a song you'd jump around and scream with your friends at a concert. You know? Anyway, I do like this song. It doesn't have as high as a rating as some because there are others I like more; I really enjoy the chorus when it's repeated and there is more harmonizing. Favorite lyric: And now my whole week, my whole week is golden / Can you see me glowing?

03: F.U. – 10/10

                  I read on Tumblr right after this song came out that this song was "Love Me Like You" but stronger, and I can't totally say that I understand that, as the songs seem like they're about relatively different things (unless it's meant to mean that the sex is so good they just can't stay away? I don't know). But it is as good as "Love Me Like You." Like, I for sure didn't expect the whole alphabet thing at the end of the chorus, and it's adorable. And I didn't expect Perrie's gritty vocals, but like always she was incredible. There was so much that I wasn't expecting from this song, but I'm so happy about all of it and I'm just so glad it exists. Favorite lyric: I practice my lines in the mirror / then you smile, that's my killer

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