Vagabond of The 3rd Continent

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Bounty! 1: "Heya' mister, your kinda' annoying me."

Las Banderas, 4th Continent (formerly known as during the Mod Age as Mexico), January 6, 2077

                The dust from the road caught in the wind billowing in puffs around a lone figure as he walked through the desolate desert. The blazing sun scorched his tanned exposed skin, his jean jacket and black tee was red and dusty. His feet scraped against the rocky ground like he was half dragging himself. He sighed looking up toward the blue sky squinting his eyes at the sight of two birds flying circles above him.

"Damn buzzards..." he muttered continuing walking. Ahead of him the area was obscured by the massive heat wave. He sighed again running a hand through his unruly dark hair, then he heard a faint noise coming from the direction he came walking from. He turned around to see a white pickup driving toward him. As it neared it started to slow then stopped next to him. A middle-aged man with dark skin and a bushy moustache ,a hat atop his head, leaned out the car window looking him up and down.

"Need a ride, amigo?"the man asked.

"A ride would be nice."he replied. "Know a town 'round here called Las Banderas?"

"Just a little upways from here,"the man pointed up the road."actually I'm headin' there now, it's not far so I don't mind a little company."

"Thanks mister, I 'preciate it."he walked around the front of the car to hop in the passenger seat. After a couple of silent minutes of driving, the man spoke,"Where you from, amigo?"

Said man folded his arms behind his head leaning back."Third Continent."

"Ahhh. American, I see. What brings you out here, amigo?"

"I'm meeting someone..."he muttered.

"Si,Si, I understand. But tell me why were you walking out in the desert ,a man can die like that you know, especially since you haven't got anything on you beside the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet."The man smiled.

"I like walking."

The man burst out in laughter."You are a funny American! Oh by the way, what's your name ,amigo?"

" I go by  few names, The Loner, The Wanderer, The Vagabond, but I prefer Danny, Danny Winchester."

"Well Danny, nice to meet you, my name's Joel Gonzalez ." Joel reached a hand over.

"The pleasure's all mine, Joel."Danny shook his hand.

"Here we are ,Danny. Welcome to Las Banderas."

Las Banderas was not the biggest town but it was on the map at least. Most of the buildings were wooden, worn and were in need of repair, a typical Western setting that suprisingly lasted through the Mod Age.. People lounged everywhere talking and laughing. Chickens scurried around afraid the rumbling pickup. It came to halt in front of a decent enough looking building. It was a bar and cafe of some sort. Tables with umbrellas sat outside only occupied by a few old men.

"Go right in there,amigo. You can get food and drinks here maybe something about your friend too."Joel nodded his head toward the place.

"Thank you again, Joel."

"No problemo! I was happy to help!"Joel slapped Danny heartily on the back.

Danny groaned silently rubbing his aching back which went unnoticed by Joel.

Danny heaved himself out of the car closing the door behind him.

"Guess this is bye then, huh?"Danny leaned in car window.

Vagabond of The 3rd ContinentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang