Vagabond of The 3rd Continent

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Bounty! 2: "Thank you for saving me."

           "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!"the first guy came running toward Danny completely open. Danny kneed him in the stomach then slammed his fist into his face sending him toppling backwards. Another two came from both of his sides grabbing his arms. Danny whirled throwing one over the bar table slamming their back against the glass cupboards shattering them.

"Dammit! Daniel ,what'd I just say?"Emilio slammed another scrotch on the table.

"It's no biggie. You can fix it can't you." Danny replied taking a quick sip then punched the other guy holding his arm who fell over a table.

"Does it look like I can pop money out of my ass?"

Another guy grabbed him in a tight headlock."I-I'm sure-ugh-you can pop somethin' else u-useful out 'ur ass!"

Emilio sighed and shook his head,"Forget it."

Danny elbowed the guy in the gut who loosened his grip. Danny, taking the chance,grabbed his arms and flipped him over . The man groaned from the impact on the floor ,arching his back in pain.

Danny stretched his arms waiting for the next assault."What ,no one else?"

The rest of the men stood rooted contemplating whether or not to charge him.

The man who started the whole thing,looked at his lackeys who didn't move an inch."What the hell are you waiting for! Are you goin' to disgrace Big Boss!GET HIM!"

Taking this as the spur they needed all the men rushed up to Danny.

Danny laughed."This just makes my job easier."

Danny hopped onto the bar table swinging out his legs geting two at the same time. He stood up on the bar flipping into two more landing on one of them. Danny started to slugg him in the stomach until a guy came up from behind himpuhing a pole against his neck. The man dragged him up choking the daylights out of him while another started slugging him. Danny wrenched the pole out of the choker's hand and bashed him across the face with it and smacked the other one too.

Looking around at the mess he made he yawned and sat back in his seat at the bar table.

"You'll pay for this!"Danny lifted his hand to grab the chair that was inches from being brought down his head. He heard the man gasp and rammed the chair back in to the guys face earning a sastisfying crunch. The man landed on his knees grasping his broken nose, his face contorted in anger.

"!!!!!"he choked in mid sentence as his eyes widened in gim shock as he stared down the long barrel of Danny's revolver. Danny reached into his jacket pulling out a pack of cigarettes and yanked one out with his teeth. Emilio reached over with a lighting it up with a match.

Danny inhaled deeply and exhaled a puff of smoke."Now then, earlier when you were actin' like an arrogant shit , you said somethin' about a Big Boss."

The man gulped but said nothing...that is until Danny pressed the gun to his forehead.

"Okay,okay okay, Don't shoot! Don't shoot! I tell you everything!"

Danny smiled."Go on."

The man swallowed hard."H-he was new in town about 3 months ago. He had come down from the big cities on the run. Somethin' about a diamond or a jewel.....he rounded up all the gangs in the nearby towns ,promised to pay us if we work for him when he sells the thing on black market."

"Where's his hideout?"

"50 miles west from here in the middle of the desert, only can get there by using a desert cycle."

Danny pulled back his gun and replaced it in his jacket."Get lost."

The man quickly got up and ran out the place.

Danny slouched in his seat."Guess the fun's over."

Emilio laughed."Don't worry ,amigo, you got the information you needed ain't that 'nough for now? By the way, you gotta pay for the drinks and the broken cupboard."

Danny turned around to face him."How much?"

"About 8,000."Emilio crossed his arms.



"SHIT! Two damn drinks and a broken piece of crap doesn't cost that friggin' much!"

"I'm addin' on some additional loans that you have failed to pay me back in the last 5 years. Why're you complaining, you cheapskate, your gettin' 2,000,000 anyway!"

Danny slammed his forehead on the table."Whatever."

"Um...excuse me, senor?"

Danny turned his head without lifting it to stare at the girl who nearly got punched by 'the arrogant piece of shit'. Up close she was real pretty. Her black hair was long and soft to touch, her eyes were a dark chocolate color, she was pretty short but she looked far from a kid, if you want to count how round her ass was and the size of her bust.(Thoughts Danny Winchester)

"You okay miss?"Danny asked his eyes still lingering on her body.

She looked down."I'm okay now....Thank you for saving me...."

"No prob."Danny replied (eyes still lingering on her body).

"Well....HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR LOOKIN' AT!!" she all of a sudden exploded.

Danny who finally snapped out of it didn't in time see a fist that was aimed right at his face. It wasn't a hard punch really but,boy, did it smart. Danny was knocked out of his chair and landed hard on his ass.

"What the hell!"Danny's cigarette got knocked out of his mouth.

"You were lookin' at my boobs, you pervert!"she stood over him in fury.Emilio looked over the edge of the bar."You okay, Daniel?"

Ignoring Emilio Danny said,"Do you usually punch people who helped you out?"

She crossed her arms. "Your help wasn't exactly necessary, I wasn't begging you to."

"Hey, senorita, how about a drink to cool you off, on the house."Emilio offered. The girl said nothing and just plopped in the empty seat next to Danny.

"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking, girlie?"Danny asked.

She glared at him."I'm eighteen, so what? It doesn't matter. And my name's Amelia Estavez, not girlie."

"Okay, Amelia, sorry for checking out your ass." Danny said, shrugging.

Emilio frowned at him.

"Don't be sorry."Amelia smiled."Cause I was checking yours out too."

It was Danny's turn to frown."I'm 25, y'know."

"What does your age have to do with this?"Amelia asked.

"Well I thought you were sayin' somethin' indirectly that could probaly be more trouble than it's worth."Danny explained.

"That doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't have to."

"Daniel, the guy you roughed up, he should be warnin' the guy bout you now. Hightail your ass over there before he's gone."Emilio caught Danny's attention.

"Shit, I don't know where to get  a desert cycle, do you have one?"Danny asked Emilio.

"No, amigo."


"I have a desert cycle."Amelia piped in.

"Be a nice girl and let me borrow it."Danny smiled as charming as he could.

"Sure..but on one condition."Amelia raised a finger.

Danny turned to Emilio."I really saw this coming."

Amelia continued."Take me back to Third Continent with you."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 08, 2011 ⏰

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