Chapter 10. And The Winner of the 1st Hunger Games is....

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I woke up with a start, I had just had the most horrible dream, I had just won the hunger games but all the fallen tributes became poltergeists and stabbed me to death in my sleep but I quickly remembered what was happening today and woke the other two.
"Come on!" I stage whispered, "Kevin's probably outside sharpening his axe."
"Well I've been up all night sharpening my knives and setting up traps so Kevin has no chance!"  Arrianne told as she emerged from her dark corner with a malicious look on her face.
"Ok....... Well let's see if we caught him."  I called behind me as I walked out of the room, the other two behind me.
We creeped outside and followed Arrianne to where she had set up the traps to find a 6ft tall, scar, tattoo and muscle sporting 16 year old sitting in a hot pink net, looking very unhappy.
"You, you!! I'm gonna, I'm gonna!!" Kevin hollered at Arrianne as she came round the corner to face him.
"Maw ahahahaahahahahahahahha. You lowly peasant could never have contended with me!!!" Arrianne exclaimed.  I have NEVER met a stranger person and probably never will. 
"You are not getting away with this!" And he took a dagger out of his pocket and threw it straight at Arrianne, but she quickly jumped out of the way, but Cat didn't and it hit her right in the heart.

A cannon went off......
Another of my most best friends in the world,

I was SO angry and blind through my tears I filled my bow and all I could hear was another cannon going off as I rushed over to Cat's side. This was not happening!!!!!!
I zipped up her jacket so I couldn't see the blood and held her close to me and cried and cried and cried, I don't know how long I lay there for but eventually the hover craft came and took away her body and then it hit me, only Arrianne and myself were left, I couldn't kill her and hopefully she felt the same way but you never knew with Arrianne.....
"Ummm Willow I think you know the situation we're in so, have a nice life and make sure Tom Felton comes to my funeral and sings." And before I could finish taking in the usual weird sentence Arrianne had just said, she plunged her sharpened dagger into her chest and slumped to the ground as another cannon went off.
NO NO NO!!!!
Arrianne as well!! This was the worst moment of my life. I wanted a time machine to redo EVERYTHING, I mean if they've invented hover crafts, time machines must have been invented.
Suddenly a crackly speaker man interrupted my thoughts.
"And the winner of the first annual Hunger Games is, Willow Chance!"
Two escorts lead me out of the stadium and my tearful mum and dad ran towards me.
"Oh honey, you were great, the director loved it, you are going to be a huge star!!" My mum cried as she swooped me into a hug. But I pushed her away and with my hands on her shoulders I looked her in the eyes and said.
"What do you mean director and being a huge star!?!?!" I exclaimed "is this some kind of joke, my best friends in the entire world have just been killed!!!"
"Joke honey?! The Hunger Games is the new blockbuster and now book your starring in, remember we told you!"
"You you didn't!!" I exclaimed.
Wait, didn't you tell her?"
"No I thought you told her."
"Oh no!!!" My parents said in unison.
"Well can I see my friends then?!?!?" I exclaimed my who,e face brightening up.
I turned round to see my best friend's faces and we swooped into a big hug.
The worst day in the world had just turned into the best!
"Sorry guys, but I don't do hugs." Arrianne told the group.  So we took a step backwards and shook hands with one another.  We then all put our hands in the middle and in unison shouted,

Thank you to everyone for giving up your time to read this book, I hope you enjoyed it.
I'm thinking of doing a Malory Towers fanfic next so let me know if you guys would like that!
The Duchess

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