Chapter 1

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"Why are you dragging me out shopping this early?" I asked grumpily, glaring at an exuberant Tess bouncing about on my doorstep.

"It'll be fuuuuun!" she replied enthusiastically, prolonging the 'u', "Besides, it's hardly early Lou!"

"It's 10 in the morning on a Saturday of all days - I could still be sleeping right now!" I complained, grabbing my black jacket from the banister as I closed my front door.

"But you're not and you'll thank me for it later," Tess winked, grabbing my hand and pulling me down my driveway to her car.

What was that supposed to mean? Tess really is full of surprises but never has she been so eager to go shopping; she wasn't even that desperate when her favourite designer shop had a 50% off sale about a month ago!

It is nice of Tess to take me on all these wacky adventures all the time, I guess, but there is one problem: Tess' kind of 'fun' is certainly not my kind of fun. Listening to her annoying music in the car on the way there, for example, is an absolute nightmare.

"Why the hell are we listening to this crap?" I moaned, rolling my eyes at the blonde who was now singing along to the music at an obnoxiously loud volume - with the windows open as well. I sunk down a little in my seat.

I've never really given 5 Seconds Of Summer a chance because almost every girl at my school loves them and I don't particularly want to join them in their 'fangirling' and gushing over the supposedly 'hot' boys (once again, this really isn't my kind of thing).

I stared at 5 Seconds of Summer's album cover, which I'd snagged from the side pocket, wondering why they get so much popularity. They aren't particularly special from what I can see: a camera-shy dude with multi-coloured hair, a curly-haired shorty, an Asian guy and a tall, blonde dude.

"We're here!" Tess giggled excitedly, clambering out the car without giving me so much as a glance.

I undone my seatbelt and got out the passenger side of the car to find a huge crowd further up the street and squealing girls running past me. I figured it was another sale and I'd have to help Tess to pick out outfits, which was kinda odd because we did this last weekend - then again, that girl can never have too many clothes. Must be a big sale if they are literally running up the road.

"Hey wait up!" I yelled, sprinting after her, nearly losing her in the crowd.

"Oh my god!" Tess squealed as soon as I caught up to her, out of breath already.

"Why are you so excited?" I questioned, continuing to run after her, grimacing as I narrowly avoided being trampled.

Tess didn't even grace me with an answer, she just grabbed my arm and practically dove in the pit of screaming girls. The squeals were piercing through my head, and I have to say, I think I'm now partially deaf in one ear now!

"What's going on?" I exclaimed loudly trying to get Tess' attention, making a face as she dragged me deeper into the crowd.

My eyes searched for what was in front of the mountain of teenage girls only to spot the four teenage boys I was staring at on front cover of an album merely 5 minutes ago back in Tess' car.

"5 Seconds of Summer!" Tess shrieked next to me. My face and my mood dropped instantly.

Oh god help me now...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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