Chapter 15

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"Oh my god, Riley. Riley? Wake up."

I groan and finally open my eyes. It's dark, so it's not hard to adjust to what's in front of me. At once, my mind goes back to Liam, and then Hayden, so I sit up with a gasp.

"Liam," I mumble worriedly, facing the people next to me. Scott is the first one I see, then Mason, who is kneeling down beside him. Lydia and Malia are standing behind those two, and they all bear anxious expressions. "And Hayden. They're..."

"They're gone," Lydia finishes solemnly.

"We have to find them. It was the Dread Doctors. They were here, and they attacked them, and then one of them hit me, and I-" I take a deep breath, feeling a lump in my throat and tears threatening to spill. I haven't felt this scared in a long time. The reality is that Liam has actually been taken by those men, and based on what happened to their past experiments, I'm freaking out. Hayden has most probably been taken with him, too, and they're obviously going to do something horrible to her as well.

"It's all going to be okay," Scott says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I try to nod, but my head hurts- it must be from when I was hit with that awful cane. I'm surprised at how many times I black out due to being hit on the head because of supernatural-related beings.

"Will it really be okay?"

Scott sighs at me. He isn't one to hug people a lot, but knowing that we both feel very defeated at the moment, I don't question him when he engulfs me in a very comforting hug instead of answering me. I'm still fighting those worried tears as I wrap my arms around my cousin, seeing the upset faces of my friends behind him.

"What else do you remember?"

"That's just it. The doctors just came in, destroyed the machine, then knocked us all out. I-I don't know anything else," I answer helplessly.

"It's okay, Riley. I'm sure... I'm sure they're alright as of now. We'll find them."

"Of course we're gonna find Liam," Mason suddenly says. "We're gonna find both him and Hayden and they'll be okay."

"Mason's right," Lydia agrees. "They're strong. And if we're just gonna mope around here, nothing's gonna happen. We are going to do something and find them no matter what."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I didn't expect to find Liam at once. I tried not to get my hopes up and think that we'd find him that exact night, but I couldn't help but imagine him walking through the doors unharmed and safe as if he wasn't kidnapped. Unfortunately, there wasn't a clue of either him or Hayden, and I had to be taken home that night by Scott in disappointment.

My parents were furious with Scott. With them being major worriers, I wasn't surprised when they claimed that they thought I could've been killed, but I explained- okay, so it was a lie- that Scott and I lost track of time when we went out to the movies and he took me out to places in Beacon Hills I've never seen. In truth, we basically just stayed at school, waiting for some murderers to arrive. For the first time since I've been here, I started to doubt that the good would always win.

The next morning comes, and there's still no sign of Liam and Hayden. Anxiety eats me up as I wait at Scott's house with Stiles, Theo, Lydia, Mason, and a boy from our school named Corey. Mason suspects that he's a chimera, so he brought him here while we wait for Scott and Malia to come back home after another search for the ones missing.

Now, Mason, Lydia, and I stand in Scott's room with Corey who sits on the edge of the bed. He's currently reading another photocopy of the book on the Dread Doctors, and we're trying to see if he remembers anything. If he does, he can help find Liam. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so impatient while watching him leisurely read, and I just want to yell at him to hurry up, but of course, I don't.

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