Chapter 18

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"Don't make me go inside."

"Riley, I haven't known you for long, but what I do know is that you're a straight A student and if you don't get your ass inside the school building, then you're not gonna learn anything, and then you're gonna fail, and then you're gonna get bad grades in every subject, and then you won't get into a good college—"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," I grumble, sending the girl in front of me a glare and finally striding towards her, passing through the front doors of Beacon Hills High School.

The weekend had finally ended and school starts once again— unfortunately. Usually, I don't mind having to get into class every single day, but after everything that has happened this week from all the chaos caused by the Dread Doctors when they came for us (or for the chimeras) to the extreme stillness of events after that, I'm feeling very wary and certainly not in the mood to live a normal teenage life yet. Now here I am, walking into my high school reluctantly because Hayden, who spotted me glaring at the front doors as I was making my way up to it a few moments earlier, ordered me to do so with her forceful words.

"Well, it was the only way to get you in here," she now says, shrugging.

"Either way, I don't want to be here just yet. I need at least one more week to compose myself."

"Same," Hayden admits with a sigh. "Anyway, I'll see you later, Riley."

With Hayden leaving my side, I make my way over to my locker a few halls down. On my way there, I immediately spot the strawberry-blonde; Lydia is of course there, seeing as her locker is right next to mine. She sends me a friendly yet distant smile when turns and and catches my eye, and then she walks away after shutting her locker close just as two all too familiar boys come running to stand beside me.


"Riley, you totally ignored my messages yesterday."

I don't need to turn around to see who has spoken and instead continue putting in my combination. After unlocking my locker, I face the boy who last talked with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, Mason," I start. "I was busy—"

"Yeah, yeah Liam told me he took you out the whole day," he interrupted me, nudging the aforementioned boy standing next to him.

At once, my mind immediately drifts back to the last thing we did that day when we were at his house, specifically in his bedroom. I sneak a glance at Liam, who has turned slightly red as if he remembers the exact same thing, and Mason notices this quickly.

"Wait, wait," he says, putting his hands up. He steps closer to us and motions us to move towards him. The, with a much lower voice as if he doesn't want anyone besides us to hear, Mason asks, "Did you guys do it?"


"Did you have sex?"

"What?" I repeat, my cheeks flushing as I gasp at his question.

"No!" Liam and I loudly say in unison, attracting the attention of some of the students passing by.

"Mase, you don't just bring that up," Liam hisses next, groaning in embarrassment and hitting his best friend on the arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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