Chapter 1

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Hello my Notes! Before you ask, no I'm not planning to do any POVs besides Gajeel and Levy's POVs. This chapter is the first chapter. If it's long, I'm apologizing now. I have alot of ideas for this chapter.

Levy's POV
I'm so excited for tomarrow! It's the first day of school! I let out a squeel as I jump out of bed. I take a shower, then get dressed. I'm wearing an orange dress, with white sleeves that aren't attached, the dress itself has a white bow and trim. I don't have to wear a uniform until tomarrow.

I look into my bags. All I have are my backpack, which contains a few books, my school supplies, and a few movies. Then there's my suitcase, that has my toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush, etc.), 5 regular uniforms (so she only has to do laundry once a week), 2 gym uniforms, 2 dresses besides the one I'm wearing, and 4 regular outfits. It's a pretty big suitcase, I guess.

I go downstairs and see my mom. I grab an apple as I hear Lucy's car horn. "I've gotta run! I'll see you at thanksgiving break!" I shout to her. "Shouldn't you eat breakfast?" She asks. "No, I'm getting breakfast with the girls like always." I state. She rolls her eyes and waves to me.

Gajeel's POV
I. Hate. School. Almost everyone who goes there lives in this small town anyway! Why do I have to go to this stupid boarding school? I get up ant take a shower. Then I put on this black t-shirt, black sweat pants, and black shoes. I look at my suitcase and backpack. They were all packed last night, but I look into them just to be sure.

In my backpack I have my school supplies and like, one book. In my suitcase case I have 5 uniforms, 2 gym uniforms, 4 regular outfits, toiletries, and a suit. Not that I'll need it. We have a few stupid dances through out the year. I hear a car horn as I run downstairs.

My parents are at work, so I grab an apple, then my guitar, and run out the door. "We're meeting the girls at breakfast." Natsu says. Great, girls. Romeo's face gets kinda red. "Oh come in Romeo! Just tell Wendy to you like her already!" Jellal says. He and Erza have been dating for a few months. As we start the drive, both Natsu and I begin to get sick. "Ugh." I moan. Great...

Levy's POV
We get to a nearby IHop. We walk in to see the boys already at a table. We tell the woman we're with them, and go to the table. "I didn't know you all were coming!" I said. "Lucy didn't tell you?" Natsu asks. We all shake our heads. I look over to see a sort of familiar face. It's Gajeel. He's the toughest boy in school. He absolutely dominates at dodge ball.

Wendy sits across from Romeo, they both blush furiously. It's common knowledge that they like one another. Lucy sits across from Natsu, and Erza sits across from Jellal. After Evergreen sits across from Elfman, Lisanna and Mira take the two ends of the table. That leaves me to sit next to Mira and Lucy, which is across from Gajeel. "Oh! Gajeel, this is Levy McGarden. Levy, this is Gajeel Redfox." We both say out hellos and just look down at our plates.

Gajeel's POV
I'm suprised to see the blunette sit across from me. "Oh! Gajeel, this is Levy McGarden. Levy, this is Gajeel Redfox." So this is the Levy McGarden I've heard about in the past few years. Straight A student.

She's only about 5' 4" tall. She's a little shrimp isn't she. I might just call her "Shrimp" from now on... Levy and I go the entire time without talking. After a while, I notice her staring at me. I wink she rolls her eyes, then blushes. She's cute when she blushes. I think.

We all finish up at IHop I hear them all start to chat. I see Levy not standing there and talking. "Can't I just go with you all this year?" Natsu asks. "No!" All the girls over there shout. Levy stands there and laughs. She saw me staring and winked at me. I just stood there and rolled my eyes. I felt my face get red. Am I blushing?! She looks at me and starts to laugh. She must've seen a puzzled look on my face or something.

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