Chapter 13

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Warning: Probably last chap. Short chap. Word count so far: 755.

Levy's POV
The next day, Gajeel and I have to do the freaking tango again. I'm gonna die if I trip again. Mira made me wear heels. She knew I was gonna trip. So did she. I think. "Mira, you knew I was gonna trip! I told you I wasn't going to wear heels, then you stole my other shoes!" I yell to a smirking Mirajane.

I blush really badly. "I'm gonna fing kill you Mirajane Strauss..." I start. "Hey, Shrimp, do you maybe want to go grab something to eat? I mean, before the next round." Gajeel asks. "I know a great place." I say. "Let's go. I'll pay." He says. "No, I'm paying, you caught me when I fell." I argue. "Nope. I'm gonna pay and that's that." He says. "Is there any use arguing with you?!" I ask. "Nope." He says.

Gajeel's POV
We get to the place Shrimp was talking about, I look around. "Huh. Never took you to be into going to bars." I say. "Well, it's a restaurant too." She says. "It's not expensive. Besides, I work here, so I get half off." Shrimp explains. "Where here do you work?" I ask. "I work here in the restaurant. I'm to young to work in the bar with Cana. Aries works here too." She says. Oh, the girl with the pink hair.

After about an hour, "We'd better get back. The next round starts in 45 mins." Shrimp says. "You're not looking forward to it either, huh. Gihi." I snicker. "Yeah... Mira knew I can't do anything in heels. She stole my shoes. What else am I gonna fucking do?" She asks. "Haven't heard you curse in a while Shrimp." I say. "I've been around you to much." She replies. I roll my eyes.

Levy's POV
The last round ends around dinner time. They decided to hold a dance after dinner. My favorite some was about to play. The song that got me and Gajeel together. "In honor of the two winners, I'm gonna ask them to perform their song again! Levy, Gajeel, get your butts up here!" Mira exclaims from the microphone on the stage. I look over to Gajeel who shrugs. "There's no use arguing with her Shrimp. Let's go already." He says. "F-Fine. But next time, I'm refusing and facing Mira myself." I grunt.

He rolls his eyes and takes my hand. We walk up the steps on the stage and Mira plays the music. There's no words.

"What would I do without your smart mouth, drawing me in and you kicking me out. You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down." Gajeel sings.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind, I'm on your magical mystery ride. And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright." I sing, looking over to him.

"My head's under water but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm outta my mind." He sings.

Suddenly he grabs his mic, and walks over to me. He grabs my hand and walks me to center stage.

"Cause all of me, loves all of you. Loves your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning. Cause I give you a-a-a-all of me, and you give me a-a-a-all of you. O-O-Oh." We sing.

The music keeps playing slowly and we've stopped singing. Gajeel puts down his mic and I put down mine. "I really love you Levy McGarden." He states. "Love you too, Gajeel Redfox." I say kindly. He pulls me in for a kiss. As we kiss, the crowd cheers. The girls "Awwe" and the boys keep cheering. We pull away, still staring into each other's eyes. This is gonna be a fun rest of the year. I think. I can easily tell Gajeel thinks the same thing.

Sorry for the short chap. This may or may not be the end. I'm doing a second book though, so, yeah. This'll be the last chapter. Sorry if you really loved this, but I'm not gonna start it for a while. I'm gonna definitely do an Epilogue that'll kinda glimpse into the next book, then I'll do a preview when I start the book. This was alot of fun to write. I'll see y'all later!

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