Chapter 1- Moving Day

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"Wren Smith get your lazy butt out here and help!" I yell into the unfamiliar house. Knowing Wren he's probably found some quiet room to block out everyone. I feel my blood heat up. Pulling up my hand, I twist my many rings.

I walk to the truck attached to Wren's 1500X Ram and grab a box labeled Ofic Suplys immediately recognizing my younger brother, Jeb, handwriting and spelling errors. I smile at his effort and grab the box. Just as I'm turning around, a flash if blue and white rushes past me and into the truck. A little shaken from all the sudden movement, I take a second before I turn to see Jeb inspecting each box then, with an unsatisfied look, pushing it aside.

"Looking for something?" I ask a smirk forming in my lips.

"Toys" he states shortly, "The box labeled Toys"

Jeb, only at the age of five has always been very straight forward and direct. He can be fun and act goofy but when he was on a mission he turned into a thirty year old business man.

I chuckle softly at my brother before entering the house. To my left was the living room that went into the dining room. Straight ahead down a little ways was a kitchen which has a door to the dining room. To my right was a narrow staircase that I assumed lead to two bedrooms, one master, 1½ bath. It was quint but it was ours. Guess I should start calling it home.


I drop the last in my bedroom and looking around, feeling accomplished.
"Hey" I turn to see Wren with a box, "Where do you want to put dad's stuff?" he lifts the box slightly to send the message the box was of our father's memorable things.

"Umm, you can leave it in the living room we'll go through another day and find it stuff" I tell him reaching down to open my box labeled, Fall Wear.

"Oh and there's a boy at the door being harassed by Jeb" I hear him from the stairs. I groan audibly as I head downstairs. At the top of the stairs I start to hear Jeb's sharp voice.

"My sister takes care of me" Jeb says to the stranger.

"That's cool" an unfamiliar male voice states uncomfortably.

"My mommy can't take care of us. The state said so. And my daddy can't either. He's-"

"Okay, Jeb. How about you go unpack" I tell him quicken my pace down the stairs. Jeb turns to look at me then at the boy again before darting up the stairs past me. I walk up to the doorway and inspect the boy. He's standing uncomfortably, holding a plate of cookies that I hadn't seen before. I could tell by his face and the sweat bedding across his forehead, it was hot.

"You wanna come in?" I ask gesturing to the kitchen and he smiles with gratitude before closing the door behind him. I'm a little embarrassed by the boxes that are scattered all over the place.

"Sorry about the mess. Moving day you know" I look back at him and he's stopped staring at a picture. I walk over to his side and smile slightly.

My father is in the middle of twelve year old Wren and I holding newborn baby Jeb. Out of all the pictures we had of all of us together, this one was my favorite.

"Is that you?" The boy points at a pudgy black girl with shoulder length black hair with auburn roots, smiling toothlessly at the camera.

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