Chapter 3- First Days

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Mondays aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. They give people a fresh start. A do-over and the Tucci family needed a major do-over.

"It's weird. You know. Not having her around" Wren spoke breaking the silence we allowed to settle around us as I cooked breakfast. Bacon and eggs, hardy and wholesome, just like my boys.

"For you maybe" I spat and I didn't mean it but I hadn't had my tea and without my tea my mood was crap.

"C'mon Bleu. She's still our mother" he mused but as the words slipped from his mouth we both knew it was a lie. We had never had a mother and we never would.

"Good morning" Jeb announced as he rubbed his eyes. He was dressed in the blue jeans and Polo I had picked out for him the night before and reminded me of Wren when we were younger.

"You ready for today bud?" Wren asks as Jeb jumps up into the high chair next to him.

"I mean I guess" he still sounded tired even after sleeping most of the day yesterday, "you guys have football right?" Jeb already knew how things would go, how the machine functioned.

"Yes" I told him as I placed a plate of scrambled eggs and two slices of bacon in front of him, "school then Alex will pick you up, take you to the new office and I'll be there at 7" I said it out loud but I was really going through it for myself. We had done this a hundred times. A hundred and twelve times but this was another state, another school and who knows what could go wrong.



"No, never. Why?"

"You're twisting" Wren was the only one who acknowledged my ring twisting habit. It kept me calm, kept me sane. He knew after everything I needed to cope in my own way.

But here was different. Here, Township High School, was much different then what we were used to. The campus wad that of a university. It had three floors and everyone seemed to know everyone. But I was determined.

"You got your schedule?" I ask pulling my tote bag higher on my shoulder and moving towards the castle of a high school.

"Yes mom" I could hear Wren's smirk through his words as he followed behind.

"Okay I'll see you in second" I state as I turn to him with one thing in mind.

"No, Bleu you're a big girl and we are not kids" he says to me before I even ask.

"Wren" is all I say before he sighs ans I know I've got him. I hold my hand out and he slaps his top mine.

"We are" I say.

"Tucci's who" he continues the mantra.

"Fight for" I smile as the end nears.

"The good and true" he smirked pulling me in for a hug and walking with me under his arm as we entered the building. We parted ways and the real fun began.

It was always the same thing. The exact same thing. Ever since the seventh grade. I started to developed and boys started to stare. They don't even stare. They gawk. I just have to walk on and not look anyone in the eye. Until that one guy grows the courage to talk to me.

"Hey, there." This guy is about 6'1. Hefty, dark-skinned, and he smells. Really bad. I try not to gag when I replay "Hi" I pull my bag back on my shoulder while I look over his shoulder to see his posse. There was two guys, one with a nice-looking face and long brown hair, the other was Woody. We made eye connect and the smile he gave made my skin twitch.

"You got a name?" The smelly giant asks recapturing my attention, licking his lips in the process of eyeing me up and down.

"Sure do." I was short, rude. My usual self. And I looked over the guy's shoulder to see Woody laughing at my behavior.

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