Chapter 2- Dommie

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After our little kumbja, we decided to start getting Jed's things in order, that way we can go to Dom's party. Woody couldn't tag along but he told us he'd come back around eight to head to Dom's. Dominic Monaghan is 6'1",  hysterically funny, attractive, caramel toned club owner. Dom used to be our neighbor and was pretty close with my dad. Without one of his own, he was always around just enjoying the feel of love in the air.

He moved out to Evanston, Illinois  three years ago, seven months after my father died. He hadn't planned to, he'd planned to move in with us, to save us from Melissa. But he couldn't. No one could. Melissa was sort of sadistic. She'd abuse us, reject us, hate us but refuse to let anyone take us away.

Our first stop was Evanston Elementary. We needed to get Jeb registered.

"Okay, hooligans" I shout over Drag Me Down, which Alex has been playing on loop and Jed had been singing along off key.

"I've got to register you" I turn to look at Jed. We took Wren's truck and I require him to sit in a car seat even though he swears he doesn't need it.

"The shell of a man, will never be his best!" He shouts in respond. I just smirk and jump out. He'll get over it. I head towards the small elementary school. I hold back my laugh when I reach the entrance and can still hear One Direction very clearly.

Everything is empty, from the long hall leading to two hallways on the left and right, to the library to my left that was completely dark and barren. Everything apart from the administration office to my right which, in vast comparison to the rest of the school, was lit happily and buzzing with people. I stepped through one of the two wood doors and smiled at the sweet looking lady who sat behind a high desk. I stepped to the counter with purpose and she watched every step.

"Hi" I finally spoke once I reached her, "I need to register a child for Monday" I choose my words carefully. I didn't lie but I worded it in a way I knew she wouldn't question. Or so I hoped.

"Register? Only legal guardians can register —" before she could finish I slapped down my legal papers in front of her, stating that Wren and I were the legal guardians of Jedidiah Isaac Tucci. I kept the light smile on my lips to keep from seeming smug or like I've had to deal with this a million and one times — which I have.

"Oh well excuse me" she said it in a way that I knew she was joking and I chuckled at her. She grabbed the papers and skimmed over them before a faint playful smile tugged at her lips.

"August 15, 2015?" she questions with a playful raised eyebrow. She was merely stating the date that Wren and I were legalized but I smiled keeping today's date in mind —August 24, 2015.


"That? You want to wear that?"

"Why not? She looks hot!"

"I'm changing" I decide to my full length mirror, leaning against my back wall.

"No!" Alex shouts in protest, "I love that dress! Please!"

"Alex stop trying to get my sister pregnant" Wren says from my bed. I continue to inspect myself in the mirror. The dress is a multicolored illusion dress. Alex let me borrow it. I had to admit the silky material clings to me in a way that shows my curves without suffocating me and flares at the bottom making my butt look bigger than it probably is.

Well I don't know I've got a big butt.

"Woody was at the door and I let him in" I hear Jed in passing and turn to see Woody standing in my doorway wearing a white button down and dark wash jeans. He's buzzed hair and light green eyes attract me in a way that almost hurts my stomach. I turn back to the mirror and twist my rings with my thumb.

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