TPP : Chapter LVI

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It was déjà vu, and it wasn't the good kind. Before you actually went into the boot camp you had to stop at the main building, which was in front of the camp building. You had to get a mug shot, finger prints, a full physical. A bunch of stuff that wouldn't matter because it just a waste of time. Nina wasn't going into boot camp. Aubrey was gonna take her home with him.

He promised.

It hurt Aubrey to see her going through the process, it hurt to see her so calm and relaxed on the outside, when on the inside she was filled to the brim with anxiety. He could see it in her eyes that she was nervous, he could see that she was upset that she had to go through this again and he didn't blame her.

You could faintly see a few groups outside the camp building behind the main gates that led into the camp. You could hear the officers screaming and barking out orders, the main office was nice on the inside and on the out but the camp building looked awful on the outside and he could only imagine the inside.

"Middle name?"


He smiled to himself as he thought about it, Nina Grace, it was a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. They weren't allowed into the camp but they were allowed to walk her to the enterance. They were allowed to walk her to the enterance and say goodbye, after that Nina was to be taken and they were to leave. But that wouldn't happen because Aubrey was gonna save her, he was gonna keep her.

He promised.

The metal chains clinked as she walked, her purple jumpsuit smelled of blood and sweat and it made her feel nauseated. Aubrey watched her sadly, her hair was pulled back into a horse tail and he honestly liked it. It showed her deep chocolate eyes and thick lashes, her perfect facial features and plump pink lips. He liked it a lot and he wished she would have worn It like that more.

"Welcome back Ms. Nina."

"I'm not back. This is a waste of time."

The three gaurds that wait patiently outside the building furrowed there brows in confusion. They were there to escort her into the camp grounds and to her group, each group held up to 10 people and Nina was placed in the purple group, clearly because of the purple jumper suit. The guards voice was monotone and bland as if he didn't have time for this when in reality it was his job.

"Excuse me?"

She placed her small hands around the chains that were connected to her wrists and tugged on them so she could step back closer to Aubrey.

"I'm not going. Aubrey is taking him with me. Right Aubrey?"

She smiled big as she looked back to him. He didn't look up though, he kept his gaze low as he stand behind Oliver, her smile faded as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion just how the guards were.

"Aubrey?... tell them.."

She smiled slightly as her heart pounded, she waited for him to answer her and prove her theory right but In the mean time he stayed quiet while Oliver laughed at her like she was stupid.

She wasn't stupid because he promised, he promised her he would not let her leave him and now was the time he was supposed to prove that she was not crazy.

"Okay Nina, let's go."

One of the guards grabbed her chains and pulled causing her to jerk forward. She luckily caught her balance and pulled back, another one of the guards grabbed there baton ready to draw it out and hit her with it if needed.

"Nina, stop! Let's go."

He jerked the chain more as she began to hyperventilate, her heart beat sped up rapidly as a scared feeling filled her body.


At this point she was close enough and had her left arm gripped tightly in the guards hand. It hurt but that was the last thing on her mind, she would let him break her arm completely if that meant Aubrey would speak up. But he didn't.

He stood there staring down at the ground not daring to look up at her. Her eyes welled up with tears as she waited for him to respond.

"Sir ... Do you have the paperwork or not? .. Are you taking her?"

It was silent for a minute because he still wouldn't respond, Oliver had to nudge him to get him to speak up and when he did Nina's whole world came crashing down.

"No.. No I don't and I'm not taking her."

The guard rolled his eyes upward as if saying "I knew it". He exhaled as he began to pull Nina towards the gates that let you on to camp grounds.


"Stop Nina. Stop."

He dropped her chains to grab her other arm but clearly he was to slow for that because she began to run. Luckily for him there was another guard not to far, he grabbed her as all three other guards ran over to help. Instantly one out of the four of the guards grabbed his baton and wacked her in the head, as hard as he could too. She began to see stars and her throat felt like it was closing up.

They lift her up and all help each other out as they all four began to carry her.


Aubrey's eyes began to tear up as well, hearing her scream out not only from physical pain due to the guard hitting her but her mental
Pain hurt him as well. It hurt him to hear her in so much pain because he didn't dare to look.

He heard an alarm go off signaling the gate was opening, her screaming and crying grew louder as they began to walk off. The alarm went off again signaling that the gate was now closing


He swallowed down and blinked back the several tears that threatened to pour out.


This time he looked up, by the time he looked up he only caught one quick glance of her as the gate closed, blood was dripping down her face from the blow to the head and it made him cringe. He could now no longer see her but he could hear her as she continued to scream out that she hated him.

At this point a few tears had escaped but he didn't even care because all he could think about was how Nina hated him now. Who would have thought that just yesterday they were at a party together, they were cuddled up, dancing, hugging, kissing. They were so in love just 12 hours ago and none of that mattered now because Nina hated him.

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