Die In Your Arms

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Selena's POV:

Have you ever felt so lonely in your life that the only thing that circles your mind is when will God let you enter his Kingdom? Well, I've experienced that feeling before, but it was all washed away when I met this boy, he's a demon, a demon with a halo.

My dad was a part of a gang back in the times when we still live in the peaceful street of Grand Praire, Texas. He's one of the notorious gang leaders, one of the reasons why he kept us the whole time, to save us from death. They say that when you're new there you would find it so calm and the atmosphere was so peaceful, but don't be shocked if one night you'll just hear a gunshot in your neighborhood, because the war hasn't began yet.

My mom said that he met my dad in a friend's party. It's not the typical party where there's a loud music blasting through your ears, bodies grinding to each other, drunk people, strangers making out in the corner, it's just a simple celebration. But that celebration was not what the people then thought.

Have you ever heard about a story when a good girl fell in love with the bad boy, well this story defined it. According to my mom, it was late at night when she decided to go to her friend's backyard to breathe some fresh air when she heard some people talking. Deep and husky voices, that felt something so uncomfortable when you've heard of it. Because of her curiosity, she began walking towards the voices, then she saw a tall guy wearing a jacket with some men, pointing a gun to a helpless, scared boy that has a rope tightened in his wrists and blood all over his face. She can tell that this boy was tortured and beaten by these armed men or what they called criminals.

She moved a little bit so she can see the faces of those men, but in her luck, she made some quiet sounds causing all of them to look at her, all brows furrowed, confused of what she's doing there. But instead of running, she was stuck in the moment when the tall guy, pointing the gun to the boy, turned his face to her and caught those brown eyes that she fell in love with. She knows that that is not the right time to daydream but she just can't help it. Then she just said to me that she got kidnapped by those criminals to keep her from telling what she saw to the people, and little did she know the guy and her was falling to each other then BOOM! I was formed! And that is the story of Mr. Ricardo Gomez and Ms. Amanda Teefey.

But let's just remember that this story is not about them, its about me. Now in case you're wondering why I told you how they met each other, well it also happened to me, pretty much exactly. But its not what they called destiny, it was bad timing.

I was jogging in the street of Stratford, Canada. 2:30 in the morning, too early for an 18 year old teenager to wake up. I just let the air hit my face, the cold breeze of Canada refreshing my whole mind and body. As I passed a narrow road leading to the forest, I saw a boy kneeling down in the ground, a rope tightened in his wrists and a tape that covered his mouth. He was looking into something, or should I say someone. I moved closer, but not as close that reached into the point that they could see me. I saw a guy, about my age, had an angry expression covered his face pointing a gun into the boy, ready to shoot him. I was so shocked, I was paralyzed in my place, I can't move my whole body.

"You know, I'm the kind of person that can easily talk to. Just give me the money and I'm not gonna shoot you. Easy!" He said glaring to the boy in front of him.

The boy tried to scream help, but he can't because of the tape in his mouth. Not just after a few seconds, I heard a gunshot, and saw blood all over the place. Its my first time to see a murder like that, someone who got killed by a criminal. Yes, even though my father is a criminal, he never let me saw a situation like this, he never involved me in cases that was about death, because he knew that I was afraid of death. So I screamed because of what I saw, causing the guy turn his head into my direction. He ran towards me, but every time he took a step I made a step back, away from him. Until my back hit a wall that was covered with green leaves.

He took my hand and mumbled "Come with me" in a deep and raspy voice. I tried to look into something but my eyes were stuck in his brown eyes, a shot of electricity ran into my hand when he touched it. Why was I'm feeling like this, why was I'm feeling this in this kind of situation? I just nodded my head in response and quickly went to his car.

When we reached his car, he immediately pulled out his phone and dialed someone in it. He brought it in his ear, and in just a few seconds he spoke "Jason, I need you to go here in the forest near the streets of Stratford, pack some bags for the body. Throw it in the river, got it?" I heard some shuffling in the other end then he replied "Okay see you in an hour". He grabbed the keys in his pockets and brought the car into life.

He sped off down the streets until he shouted " C'mon say something!" Causing me to snap my head to him, tears forming in the corner of my eyes. "You're scaring me!" He shouted once again and I flinch as an effect of his angry voice. "Sorry" I mumbled not sure if he heard me or not.

"Look--" he paused "S-Selena" I said "Selena, I don't know the reason why you're in the forest in this time, but I need to keep you for a while, Okay?" He asked when we stopped in the red light. He looked towards my direction, his face worried. Once again I saw those eyes of his, " Okay b-but why?" I answered him stuttering. "Because you saw me kill someone" he said now looking in the road.

The whole ride was silent. Until we stopped in front of an old warehouse, not knowing that this was the beginning of my new life.

5 years later...

The rain was pouring hard. Until he spoke out of the blue "You don't deserve someone like me".

I just stared at him trying to capture his then caramel brown eyes, that I fell in love with, now turning into bloodshot form. "Why don't I?" I asked him, afraid what could be his answer.

"Sel, I'm a criminal. I--" before he continue what he'll be saying I interrupted him.

"I know that a long time ago Jay. We survived every storm that comes into our lives. And now you're giving up on me?" I am now sobbing trying to catch my breath, wanting to let out all the words I want to say.

He suddenly came closer to me and I can feel his soft hands caressing my cheeks, wiping away my tears. "You came into my life when I'm feeling worthless, I'm loosing hope and I can't see any future in my life. Then you slowly started changing it. You became the color of my blood when I'm bleeding. You became the wind in my sail when it stopped moving and you became the whole meaning of my life. Now that you're gonna loose me, I think I'll stop walking the road of my own life, because we all know that it will eventually be my destiny when I'll leave you. I don't wanna hurt you, babe. I'm sorry".

I just watched him there, standing in the rain. After I built up all the words he said to me, I finally had the courage to speak up "Please Jay, don't say this. I won't loose you, right? I won't give up on you. Justin, please, I love you"

He never said to me those three words, his reason? He said that love doesn't exist in his world, its just temporary, because nothing lasts forever.

"Sel, I know deep inside you've been waiting for me to say those words. But isn't my actions not enough for saying how much you've meant to me? How much care I' m giving you?"

It's always been his answer since the very beginning of our relationship. But now, its just like its different. He's voice is so sincere and full of adoration.

He carefully leans down for him to kiss me. Why am I feeling this? It feels like its going to be our last kiss. I kissed him deeper, not wanting to let go. Then he mumbled those words that made my heart frozen.

"I love you, Selena Marie Gomez" and suddenly a loud sound of gunshot was heard in the whole city. I'll be picking up the flowers that we've grown together.

A/N: Yeah, so it's my first time to write a story here....and I can't wait to share all my ideas and stories!! Vote, Comment here! Love ya'll!

Beating heart,

Die In Your Arms /j.b. s.g./Where stories live. Discover now