#6 - Goodbye

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"If only I know how to get back.. I won't be this sad." Sighed me.

"You really want to go back?" asked Dyne.
"Knock before in please" begged me.
"Oh sorry, knock knock, can I come in? Sure, okay I'm in" said him
"I mean, you really want to go back?" asked him again. The same question after he sat behind me in the bed.
"Of course. I'm gone, for several days. Can you imagine? Everyone must be worried about me." said me.
"Don't worry about that" said him.
"How can I?!" mad me.
"..I don't know" said him.
"Nonsense. Where are the twins?" asked me.
"Go shopping with mom" answered him.
"Your dad?"
"Change your clothes with pajamas like at the first time we met" said him.
"What for?" Confused me.
"I'll help you to go back" said him.

Tap, tap, tap! Brakk!!
"When he say that, he smile with sadly.. I wonder why.."


I changed my clothes as fast as I could, I won't waste my chance. Dyne not talk as much as he always did. He brong me to the Hill of Summoners after left a message for his family.

"Do you like Cloudia?" Asked him when we flied.
"I do. Very much" said me while smiled.

He only asked me once when we on the air. I didn't like the atmosphere, so cold with less of conversation.


"We are here" said him.
"Hill of Summoners.. I always feel so great in here , I don't know why" said me curiously.

In no time, Dyne searched something in the grass.

"Ah, here!" said him.
"What is it? Ah, my hairtie?" asked me.
"Yes, you can go back if you collect the items that you bring from your world cause Summoners must left something in here" explained him.
"I see, now I understand. It explain why there was a several photo with other people at your wall in the bedroom." said me.
"Yeah. They go back as you wanna do now" said him.
"Wait a min.. Why you not tell me from the first time?" asked me.
"Many things happen, Sora. I'm sorry" apologized him.
"Geez, I can go back earlier you know?" mad me.
"Use your hairtie" said Dyne.
"Well, I use double then." said me while used the tie.

"A cloud? Appear after I use the tie?"
"Go to the cloud, you can go back" said him.
"Ahh, I see. Thank you!" Thanked me while walked to the cloud.
"So, I guess its a goodbye then" said him.
"Goodbye? Don't be ridicolous! There is no 'goodbye' words for me." Said me.

You can't go back to Cloudia, Sora"
"Huh? Why? But those people who came earlier than me.."
"They never back in here"
"I wanna give you a sweet memories so that you can remember Cloudia and also everyone in there. I'm sorry not tell you the way go back earlier."
"As you entered the cloud, you won't see us again."
"Don't say that! We can meet again!"
"I told you the truth"

Flapp! Tap!
"Where are you going??" asked Jack then hugged me.
"YOU WON'T GO ANYWHERE!!" screamed Jill then hugged me too.
"Don't be like that kids, It must be hard for Sora to go" said Dyne's dad.
"I won't let her go!" cried Jill.
"Sorry, honey. Its always happen when the Summoners have to back" explained Dyne's mom.
"It's okay thank you very much everyone" said me sadly.
"Don't forget us ,okay?" Hugged Dyne's dad.
"I won't, uncle" said me then hugged him back.
"Maybe, we can't give you anything but we hope you like being in here" hugged Dyne's mom tighly to me, after her husband.
"No..thank you very much" cried me then hugged her back.
"You can't go!" cried Jack.
"Yeah, you can't leave us in here!" cried Jill.
"Ohh, why is this always happen?" said Dyne's mom sadly.
"It's a life, dear" said Dyne's dad while hugged his wife.
"Kids.. Don't make me cry.. please hear the advice from your parents and brother." cried me whil hugged them.
"HWAAAAAA!!" cried them so loudly.
"There, there come to mom and dad , baby" said Dyne's parents while carried the kids.
"Well, take care." said Dyne while gave his hand to shake my hands.

"Thank you very much for everything. I won't forget you." hugged me tightly, still couldn't stop crying.
"..me too" hugged him with sadly voice.
"I like you anyway" whispered me.
"?! W-what?!"
"Teehee, I'm just talking to myself" said me.

I was told you the truth, I saw your face turned into red and you couldn't say anything. You only smiled, a happily smile.

"Goodbye everyone" said me while waving my hands.
"Goodbye Sora!!"
"Oh , I forgot"
"DYNE!!" shouted me from the cloud.
"YES?" answered him.
"Catch this!" said me while threw my hairtie.
"Why?" asked me.
"I can't give you anything but keep that and I'll keep the hairtie you made for me. Goodbye!"

As I said goodbye, I couldn't hear anything. Only my voice who echoing for a moment. Then it turned into a silence and all white.

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