i love ken not you marzia

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ken p.o.v.

omg i had been waiting a while to kiss him

"but but what about marz-"

he put his finger on my lips

"shhh" he whispered in my ear and then he sucked my neck while i grabbed his neck and kissed him gently he felt my hair and kissed me could feel felix rubbing my hair and my back while we kissed he kept saying shhh when i tried to tell him i had a gf and so did he. i.love.him. just then marzia came home i tried to pull away but he clutched me tighter and started biting my lower lip. marzia came upstairs and saw pewds and i making out she grabbed felix but i wouldn't let my bf go. she screamed

"ken stop it hes my bf and felix baby what are you doing"

felix responded with "i love ken not you marzia so please get out"

the door slammed and pewds and i were kissing again i couldn't help shake the feeling that felix was still in love with her.

pewds p.o.v.

i mean i like marzia but ken is my one love i mean ken and i are soulmates i love marzia like a sister maybe but not as my girlfriend

"ken baby whats wrong"

"nothing, do you love marzia"

"like a sister"

"alright good"

ken and i moved back to the bed i pushed him down and climbed on top of him i started sucking on his neck and moved down to his lips he asked if he could stay the night and we cuddled and snuggled all night long we both were shirtless and decided to go downstairs marzia came in and ken said

"felix baby i love you" and he kissed me

marzia was disgusted by this and wanted to win me back she was wearing a really short black dress and she took my face away from ken and kissed me i am not gonna lie i kinda missed her but i knew ken was the one and only one for me

marzia p.o.v

i miss my pewds he was the light of my day he just...erks me sometimes but if ken is his one true love and not me thats fine but he didn't even tell me i mean i suspected it but i never thought it would happen i always thought we would get married and be happy but now i don't know if he even still likes me. as i kissed felix i rubbed my hand down his leg i could kind of tell he was missing me a little bit.

"baby take me back please i miss you felix"

"i'm in love with ken i'm sorry marzia"

i started crying and thats felixes weak spot he came over and hugged me closely and kept saying he was sorry i just wanted to kiss him one last time.

"felix if this is goodbye i want to kiss you just one last time"

he rolled his dreamy ocean blue eyesz and said "yes okay fine get it over with"

i grabbed his cute hair and kissed him i could tell he was into it because he kept rubbing my back and my hair and he kept kissing me i looked him right in the eyes and he kissed me again and picked me up and brought me to the couch we made out for a  bit then he took off his shirt revealing his 6 pack oh god i miss him...

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