Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

 I woke up with Amelia hovering over me. Again.

I jumped up, clutching my pillow while Amelia only smiles. If we were in a movie right now, this scenario is really cliche. I mean at movies girls like me tend to clumsy and good-hearted then turns to cinderella at the end. I know, I'm being cynical. But that's the truth.

"Miss, how should I do your hair?" Amelia asked, sitting me down on one of those chairs directly in front of the mirror. Then I noticed how my hair looks like a rat's nest. Great. But Amelia ran her hand through it without any disgust.

"Um, maybe just a ponytail," I mumbled. I'm still shy around her. I learned not to reject their 'services' anymore since it will reach my grandparents and scold for not being 'ladylike' enough. Seriously that gave me a headache.

She nodded. She commenced her work, brushing my hair away from my face. However my hair was always tangled though, so I found myself gritting my teeth until it finished.

With my ponytail I looked neat. Not pretty or ugly, just neat. Time to wash my face and change my clothes. As usual I got jeans and a t-shirt. 

"Breakfast downstairs, miss!" Amelia called to me while she was folding my clothes. I waved and headed downstairs.

This morning Len's serving brioche and English tea. As per usual, he's quiet and attentive to his work. It's been 2 weeks since we had the night talk, and since then he didn't talk with me the same way. He's back to his robot-servant-no-emotions state. I was a little weirded out at first, but then I decided it would be because he valued his job more. Still, can't be denied he actually talked to me like a real person.

A maid came in the dining room and curtseyed. Then she walked over to my side, with my mouth stuffed with bread. Not exactly ladylike.

"Milady, the car has arrived," she said. I nodded, and she want back to the kitchen. For your information, I am not a snob. I just got used to their irritating formality, and everytime I want to say something extra, they already left. 

"Len, don't you have to change?" I asked, turning to Len who was arranging the plates and serviettes. My mom has already eaten and left early, probably for our transfer into a new house. 

He nodded courteously. "I'll be back, miss." he said, carrying the plates with him into the kitchen. Again with the miss! Didn't I already told him not to call me that? Is that supposed to be a part of his job?

10 minutes later, he was wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans. His hair wasn't slicked back anymore. Hot. But I'll keep that to myself. 

"Oh yeah, miss, your grandparents told me to give this to you," he said, fishing something and handed it to me. My eyes widened. It's a box for an Iphone 4, with extra features and a huge megapixel. Sweet! I could practically drool at the sight of it. Iphone 4! I couldn't even afford a decent phone before!

"Len wha-- an Iphone 4? Seriously? They'll give it to me?" I said, shocked and excited at the same time. He nodded and I took it slowly from his hand.

"It's already assembled and ready to be used,"he said. I just nodded silently. All I could think about were sheep dancing and singing 'Iphone!'

As we exit, the maids bowed and parted as we go.

"Are we good to go?" I asked, without looking at Len or the chauffeur.

"Yes, miss," the driver said neutrally. He's a man on his fifties, already looking ancient but still young enough to still drive. He's nice though, I guess.

I turned to Len. "Can we park the car where you did yesterday? I think it's much safer."

He nodded silently and stared at the window. Now I'm feeling self-conscious again. We're only inches apart from the back seat, and I can practically feel the warmth on his skin. Maybe it's just me. Anyway, he doesn't seem to care though, and I don't know whether to take that as a good or bad sign.

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