Prologue II: Small Bump

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    Spencer Pierce reached across his bed just to be reminded that no one was there anymore. He had been married for three years now and never took his ring off even though he hadn't seen his wife since her funeral six months after the wedding. He blamed himself. Carlie Pierce died while giving birth. Megan Pierce had never really gotten a chance to live.

    Sitting up pained his right shoulder, he had gotten mad enough the past night to wreck havoc through the two room apartment. He got up to start cleaning, it wasn't the first time this had happened. Spencer was bipolar, he was used to flipping out and making a mess. He walked into the kitchen and picked up the plastic plates, bought specifically for this reason. The glass bowls and cups, were'nt as lucky as the plates. They laid in pieces on the linoleum. Spencer swept up the glass and threw it away, he needed new dishes anyway.

    In the living room there wasn't that much to pick up but pillows and a couch cusion, he flinched when he cut himself on something sharp. The broken glass sat on top of the unharmed photo. Two people smiled up at him while he remained emotionless. The woman, her long dark red hair pulled up in an elegant bun, looked happy enough to be laughing in the still picture. The man had his arms wrapped around the woman's thin waist and appeared to be the happiest he had ever been. Suddenly a drop of salty water landed near the woman's bright face. Spencer leaned over the picture while tears ran down his face. He set the photo on the counter and went back to his bedroom. Still in tears, he mechanically got ready for the rest of the day. Leaving the apartment while it was still in shambles was normal, he'd just flip out when he got back. 

    Kevin wouldn't mind if he Spencer just showed up at his house. The guy wouldn't be doing anything anyway. Band practice wasn't until three, the show wasn't until seven, it was still ten thirty in the morning. Spencer knocked on the front door anyway. Kevin let him in without any remark. He antered the small beach house to start his normal day routine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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