Imagine for snowsya27- Louis fight

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Imagine for snowsya27- Louis fight

Your pov- It was just one of those days, for some reason you had way to much energy and started running around the house like a crazy person would. "Ohh shit!", you yelled trying to stop your socks from skidding along the timbered floor. It didn't help one bit, you ended up smashing right not your bigger brother Louis's trophy cabinet. "No, no, no, no", you said quietly to yourself whilst removing yourself from the ground trying not to step on the shards of glass. Standing over the shards of glass and broken trophies, you freaked. Along with the broken trophies their sat a broken pocket watch, the one that grandpa always use to keep in his pocket. It was a gift to Louis when he made it into the live performances on X factor.

"What the hell did you do", the familiar voice yelled. Shuffling around on the spot there stood the one person you did not want to be home right now. "Lou, it was an accident", you softly said. "Accident my ass", he yelled walking towards the broken cabinet. "All of my trophies! My awards", their was a pause of silence. "No, not grandpas pocket watch", he gasped. A sick feeling grew in the pit of your stomach as Louis facial expressions dramatically changed. "Do you not understand what you have done?", he questioned. "I don't care about the trophies and awards they can be replaced. This can't!", he yelled slamming his fist down in the shards of glass which still laid on the floor.

"Get out!", Louis said calmly. You didn't know what to do, was he really meaning what he was saying? "I SAID GET OUT!", he yelled even more furious then before. "I'm sorry", you said walking out of the room and out the front door. Small droplets fell on top of your head whilst walking down the path, thank god it's only drops you though to yourself, only to wish you never did. Running for shelter from the rain that pored down you found shelter in a nearby park.

Louis pov- After cleaning up the mess which the broken glass made, I refrained the awards and glued the trophies back together. Picking up the pocket watch from the bench and looking at the cracked glass and broken lid, I dialled the number to a jewellers shop. After explains the situation they told me that it could fixed and to bring it in soon. Everything but one thing had been set straight, it was to quite and felt so alone and bad. "Y/n answer your phone please", I spoke into my phone worriedly after trying to phone her numerous times. It was no use she wouldn't ring me back so it was time to go looking. Getting in the car I drove around the streets, no sign of her yet. Taking another 2 right and a left there was a park where a familiar figure sat in the swing.

Your pov- Through the slots of your wet hair a familiar car seemed to be circling the park, before it pulled up. The driver couldn't be seen anywhere and straight away you let go of the thought that it was Louis. Looking back down at your feet you started sniffling whilst a cold chill shot down your back numerous times. "I'm sorry", a voice which sounded like Louis said whilst taking a seat on the swing next to you". "I didn't mean what I said and if you don't mind you could accept my apology and we could go back home to the warmth?". Shaking your head yes, Louis picked you up in his arms and carried you to the car.

Once home Louis ran a warm bath and heated your towel for you. "Thank you Lou. I'm sorry about the trophies and grandpas pocket watch", you said horsey tearing up whilst he embraced you in a brotherly hug. "It's fine, don't you worry. Now let me go get some medicine you sound a little sick", Louis said going off to get he Medicine. God you love your brother. 

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