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Meet rosa sanmariez the daughter of diego and Clara sanmariez.she is 21 and lives a carefree life,she read bussiness administration in the university of durham waiting to take over the sanmariez company created by her grandfather.she doesn't do love,its all about the sheets and nothing more to her again
Fernada sanmariez
She is a fashion designer and also graduated from the durham university and is the twin sister of rosa sanmariez and also 21.she is in love with love stories.
Carlos rodriguez
He is 23 and went to harvard university,he is the kind of guy that have ladies swooning and drooling over him,he studied business administration and his family is awaiting him to come and take over his family company back in mexico.he loves partying but still hopes to meet his lady that he will stay with forever but for now,what does the time sayyyyy?

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