Part 4

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"You," Leigh started, "are literally life savers. We wouldn't know what to do without you." With a quick peck on Jesy's cheek the black girl disappeared into the bathroom.

"Actually," Jade whispered, "our friends offered us to stay with them for a couple of days because they have an apartment instead of a single dorm room but for some strange reason I let her convince me to stay here. I wonder why on earth she'd want that." A giggle escaped her lips at the blush on Jesy's cheeks.


"Yeah, but don't tell her I told you. Just keep loving her," Jade laughed and the two other girls in the room exchanged an awkward look. "Oh God, I'm sorry, have you guys not exchanged I love you's yet? No pressure."

"No, it's just... I wanted to say it but I'm not sure if... y'know, Leigh is ready," Jesy murmured quietly so there was no chance the girl in the bathroom could hear her – although it was a community shower down the hall, so there was no way in hell she could hear anything at all.

"Oh," was all Jade could say in that very moment and bit her lip. "I don't know. Leigh doesn't really want me to interfere with her love life, so I never ask and she never tells. If she tells me anything, though, I'll let you know. Jeleigh is my OTP."

"I would have called them Lesy," Perrie replied from her bed. She was not looking at either of them but just lying on the mattress, throwing a ball into the air and catching it again. "What would our name be?"

After a few seconds of considering where that came from, Jade replied, "I think Jerrie."

"Oh, so you're a bottom."

"Wait, what?" Jade asked but in that moment the door opened again and Leigh came inside, wearing nothing but a towel and water was causing her skin to sparkle.

"Ugh, sorry, but I just couldn't change with all those people in there. It was strange enough to wash myself surrounded by all of them." She huffed and looked at Jade with a pout. "I want our apartment back."

The purple haired girl sighed and let her head drop down on the air mattress on the floor. "Same. But we can't change the fact that someone was stupid enough to flood their damn bathroom, so I guess we're stuck here for a few days. Hopefully not too long."

"Oh, I don't mind," Jesy giggled and Perrie made a gagging sound,

"You are gross. I'm going now. Anyone coming with me?"

"Gladly," Jade sighed and got up from the air mattress to collect fresh underwear and her towel. She hadn't taken a shower in the community showers in almost half a year now, so it was probably going to be uncomfortable at first but she'd gotten used to it last year as well, so it should be fine.

"I guess that's the best part about not living on campus anymore, heh?" Perrie asked laughing as they entered the shower and a bar of soap flew past them through the door. They both waited for a while until one of the stalls was free and Jade was offered to go in next. It was nice to take a shower after such a long and exhausting day.

First Lillian had showed up at her door – which she hadn't told anyone about yet –, then her teacher thought it was time for a surprise quiz and eventually they had to move out temporarily because some stupid idiot had forgotten to turn off the bath tub after leaving for work, so the entire building was flooded.

Being nice friends, Ally, Dinah and Normani had offered them to let them stay in their apartment with them, but Leigh had declined the offer as soon as Jesy offered the same. Of course Leigh would pick her girlfriend – because they had DTR'd by now – but why did she have to drag Jade with her? The thought caused her to groan and the people in the two stalls right and left to her giggled at the sound.

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