Part 5

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Jade made it through the day without many distractions and without thinking much about Lillian or Perrie. For some reason she didn't really feel bad about hooking up with the blonde the day after she had caught her (back then) girlfriend but maybe it was due to the fact that Lillian hadn't really bothered feeling guilty about fucking other people behind her back either.

And it wasn't like Jade was cheating on her – they were most obviously broken up now, Jade had made that clear, so she was free to do whatever (or whoever) she wanted.

Perrie was just a distraction. She was someone who wouldn't want a serious relationship and neither did Jade right now. All she wanted was someone to take her mind off of everything for a few days, maybe longer and eventually it would stop and they could both go back to being friends without any problems.

She met up with Leigh for lunch, like always, and after considering telling her about Perrie, she put the thought aside. She didn't think it was necessary and although Leigh was her friend, she could sometimes be quite judgemental. She'd ask Jade how she could have sex with someone right after she had broken up with Lillian? Did she ever even love her girlfriend? How could she move on so quickly?

But Jade hadn't moved on yet and she still loved her girlfriend – it was just that her girlfriend didn't love her enough to realise one was enough and Jade wanted to have some fun to get over it. And also, she had been kind of fed up with Lillian's behaviour lately. All this jealousy was getting to her head and the fact that it had been because she herself couldn't stop going behind her back was making Jade so furious that she never, ever wanted anything to do with the girl ever again.

"So, what do you think of Perrie?"

"What do you mean?"

"Girlfriend material," Leigh replied with a raised eyebrow. "Now that you're single again you need to get back in the game. Okay, maybe I put it wrong. We both know Perrie doesn't do romance, as you nicely put it –"

"She told me that herself," Jade intervened. "But go ahead."

"Anyway, what do you think about you and Perrie hanging out some more time? I can totally see you two having fun together."

The purple haired girl couldn't help but snort at those words because never in a million years had she imagined Leigh would think about her and Perrie like this. After all, the black girl had been hung up on the blonde for weeks until she finally realised that Jesy was better for her. It was strange to her how quickly Leigh had moved from Perrie to Jesy, but maybe something had happened between Jeleigh (or Lesy) that made the younger girl realise that Perrie really wasn't what she was looking for.

"You sure? What happened so you're... not calling dibs?"

Leigh shook her head with a smile. "If I tell you something, will you promise me not to tell Jesy? I actually had a dream about how all of this would turn out if I went after Perrie. She would come around every now and then and I'd get clingy and she'd get annoyed and my attempts at making her stay with me and only me would become so embarrassing that eventually, I wouldn't be able to look at her anymore or stand myself. So I thought, if I dated Jesy, we could be happy together, we could maybe spend the rest of our lives together. I know I'm thinking too quickly and there's no way in hell I'm ready for thinking about stuff like that yet, but the possibilities of being happy are a lot bigger than if I'm with Jesy. And she's just so cute but also feisty, and let me tell you, she really knows how to get me going."

"Okay, too much information," Jade laughed but felt a little relieved at that. This meant that hooking up with Perrie was totally okay and safe. "But either, I think Perrie and me... it could work like that. You know, just fooling around. I'm sure it'd be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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