Chapter 2

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It had been building up for a long time and Isabella at first had brushed it off as nothing and pretended that everything was fine, yet that little something that was missing was driving her crazy.

It was like an ache for something that she couldn't place her finger on and her thoughts began wandering towards her ex boyfriend Luca daily. She wondered where he was and how he was living now, if he was with another woman; maybe he had a girlfriend now.

It was like a feeling that she couldn't control and maybe it was the abuse that had happened to her in the past that was driving her new found emotional draw back to Luca.

Thing had been going great with Giovanni, it wasn't as though there had been much of a reason for her to suddenly break it off with him. Although she had found reasons. It was easy to find reasons when you were looking for them.

Isabella had simultaneously started missing Luca and withdrawing from Giovanni.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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