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(The pic above was when I was 16, josh is me. And this is all a true story, well to what I remember xD)

Once upon a time there was a place called The United States, the land of the free and stuff. A boy named Josh just turned 12, and he was a gamer. He decided to play COD Black Ops, he joined a game online and heard a girl, her PSN name was LMFAOGIRL121. As the weird boy he was he liked her imeadiately (don't judge he's never had a gf before). He talked to her and friended her on the PS3.

Josh got to know this girl more after a while, he started to feel a real connection with her. There was a problem though, she was only 10 years old at the time and he felt really weird. He continued to talk to her for a while longer, but only as friends, then her mother stopped them from talking to each other.

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