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Prometheus was the Titan god of forethought. He was also known as the father and champion of mankind, because he had special bond with his creation, teaching and helping them to progress in their life. During the history, Prometheus became the symbol of striving towards the scientific knowledge and the risk of unintended consequence which could also result in tragedy. He was son of Iapetus and Clymene or Asia. In Aechylus Prometheus' bound, however, Themis or Gaea is mentioned as his mother. And that would explain Prometheus being prophetic. He also had three brothers Epimetheus, Atlas and variously Menoetius and was a part of the titans family, but when the certain events were set in motion and the rebellion against Cronus started, his intelligence and foresight enabled him to had forseen the future and therefore he convinced his brother Epimetheus for them to choose side with the Olympians during the war. Therefore, they were spared from being imprisoned in Tartarus alongside other titans.

Becoming the Champion of Mankind

According to various authors, Prometheus is credited as the champion of mankind. He is said to had created them with the mixture of water and clay, but according to Plato's Protagoras, the gods had created them from water and clay and Prometheus and Epmetheus were tasked to only equip them with proper traits. And some authors are not saying anything about creation of mankind, but are rather suggesting they were already there. According to mainstream belief, in which the brothers were tasked to create animals and mankind, Prometheus is said to be a true mastermind and craftsman as he started shaping men out of water and earth. prometheus mankindOnce he completed perfect figures in the image of the gods, he was only left to equip them with appropriate attributes to cover the skin and gave them ability to either defend or avoid. However, Prometheus was left without options due to his brother's lack of foresight and usage of all attributes. When Prometheus came to inspect the animals, he found out that animals were richly fashioned with fur, claws, wings and all the other attributes. He found out that nothing has been left for men to cover them and give them something to protect themselves. He was really mad at his brother for using all attributes on animals and the day of bringing his figures into life was approaching. And like described in Plato's Protagoras, he was anxious and stole Hephaestus' and Athena's wisdom in arts and gave it to mankind and along with stolen fire, which was previously banned from mankind by Zeus, enabled them to preserve their kind and make progress in evolution. It is also said that Prometheus had fancied mankind and according to Hyginus' Fabulae, he taught them how to keep fire alive when they first got it from the gods. He also taught them how to predict future from their dreams, how to make remedies from the plants, how to live and share with eachother and also instructed them into occult art among many other things. Men really appreciated the contribution of Prometheus and hailed him as their Champion.

Punishment for stealing the Fire

Zeus felt betrayed by the act of stealing the godly fire and ordered Prometheus to be chained on a rock of Caucasus for eternity, or according to Hyginus for three thousand years, where each day eagle was set to feed upon his regenerating ever-green liver. However, Zeus was still not satisfied and ordered Hephaestus to create Pandora. When Pandora was created and filled with gifts from the gods, Zeus planted her as gift to his brother Epimetheus in order for them to unleash the punishment to mankind. Epimetheus, despite his brother's warning never to accept any gifts from Zeus, fell for the trap and married her. For the wedding present, Zeus gave them a box and ironically told Pandora never to open it. (For more info about Pandora's box check the content of Epimetheus).

Released from eternal torment

As mentioned above, Prometheus was punished with being chained to Caucasus for eternity, having only one friend to talk to. It was the Eagle which came to him daily to feed upon his liver. Prometheus kind of gave in, so at least he had someone to talk to. But the usual habit of Prometheus and the eagle changed when Heracles came to Caucasus in one of his labours, when he needed the information for the location of the garden of Hesperides. They agreed to exchange the services and Heracles was supposed to free Prometheus, after the titan would had told him the location of the garden. Heracles then shot the giant eagle with his hydra poisonous arrow and released the titan as promised. Grateful Prometheus, finally released out of the torment, advised Heracles that the best chances for getting the apples of Hesperides is to send his brother Atlas to get them.

The prophecies of Prometheus

When Prometheus was released from Caucasus, Zeus made peace with him and gave him a ring made of one of the chains, to remind him of never to trick him again. Prometheus then in exchange warned Zeus and Poseidon about the prophecy, when these two gods pursued sea goddess Thetis. Prometheus claimed that the child will hold a destiny to be more powerful than his father. Therefore, the gods had withdrawn their pursuit and Zeus made Thetis to be married with a mortal. Prometheus later found himself a consort, an oceanid of Mount Parnassos, called Pronoea. Together they had a son:

Deucalion - He was warned by the prophecy of his father about the great flood and therefore he built a chest, provision it and together with Pyrrha, the Daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora, sailed to Mount Parnassos, because it was supposed to be one of the safest points from the great flood. After the flood, they were instructed at the oracle of Delphi to repopulate the world with throwing "bones" of their "mother" behind their shoulders. They understand bones to be rocks and mother to be Gaea. They started throwing rocks behind shoulder and that is how they started shaping mankind again. Rocks thrown by Pyrrha became women and rocks thrown by Deucalion became men.

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