Please, Belive Me

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Gerard's POV

Mikey and Ray walked out of school with me. Frank and Libby were no where in sight. We decided to wait for them. I saw Frank run up to us. "Gerard.! I gotta tell you something." Frank managed to let out as he gasped for air. "Have you seen Libby.?" I ask completely ignoring what he said. "No, um actually she-" he said as I cut him off. "Hang on." I said. I got a text from her.

*phone screen*

Libby: I have to run errands with my mom. See you at the party.! <3

Looks like we're going to have to leave without her. "Alight get in." I said as I got in. "What about Libby.?" Mikey asked as he got in. "She's busy." I said. Ray still had that face of shame and fear. "You alright Ray.?" I ask him as I turn around. He quickly nods.

"Alright." I mumble as I start the car.

I drove over to my house and met up with Bob who was already there. "Where's the chic.?" he immediately asks as we all get out. "Speaking of chic, Gerard I need to tell you something about Libby." Frank says as he looks at me. "Oh I have to tell you guys something." I said ignoring Frank. "I'm going to ask Libby to be my girlfriend tonight." The guys nudge me except Frank and Ray.

"Bad idea." Frank says making us all pause. "W-what do you mean.?" I ask nervously. "She was flirting with me." Frank says. "What.?!" I sass. "You too.?!" Ray comes out and says. "You too.?!" Frank exclaims.

"What is going on.?!" I shout. "She's flirting with us. Who knows who else she's been flirting with." Ray says. "Why would you guys lie about this.? You know how much I like her. Trying to say I can't get a girl.?! I know I'm a loser." I scoff. "We're not lying.! I swear. If you ask her of course she's not going to tell the truth.! Believe us Gerard." Frank begs. "Believe me." Once he said that, I looked away.

"Gerard." Frank says as he looks me in the eye. "I'm you're friend. I wouldn't lie to you." I shook my head. "But, you're my best friend." he said with his voice cracking as if he were to cry. He rolled up his sleeve showing me the friend ship bracelet we all had.

"Not anymore." I said as I shook my head. He started tearing up. "Gerard-" He said before I cut him off. "Leave me alone.!" I shout making a silence from everyone. A tear rolled down his cheek and him and Ray walk away. I felt bad, but he lied to me about Libby. I knew he'd never do that.

Bob and Mikey stayed outside as I went to my room. I couldn't believe what I just did. But they deserved it. Lying to me like that. Tricking me like that. Fooling me like that. Not me.

It started getting dark out and the party was starting. Me, Bob and Mikey thought to just go in what we're wearing. I was pretty nervous to perform. Until I remembered that Ray and Frank weren't coming. I guess we just would go to the party.

We got into the trans am and headed off there. We were an hour late. We would have to say our apologies. But I guess everyone else was late since they started walking in.

"Alright, I got the candles." Mikey said as he grabbed the little gift bad. "Let's party." I said as we got out.

We were walking in and got stared at by everyone we passed by. We didn't really fit in of course.

"Ahh.! You guys are here.!" Libby squealed as she hugged us all. "Where's Ray and Frankie.?" she asked as her smile dropped. "They couldn't come." Bob lied. "That's too bad, you guys were going to perform." she said. "Yeah." we all said.

Bob and Mikey headed off to the food table as I stayed with Libby. Tonight was the night I get a girlfriend. I had to not hesitate or be shy what so ever.

"Can we talk to where it's private.?" I say in her ear over the noise. She nods and grabs my hand and leads me up stairs to a room. We sit down on the bed.

"What's the word humming bird." she says as she pulls her hair back. "I don't know how to put this but..." I say with shyness. "But....?" she asks.

"I love you." I let out. Her eyes widen. The biggest widen eyes I've ever seen. "G-Gerard, uhh." she says. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way." I said as I looked down. She smiles and kisses me. Did she love me back.? Eh, let's just fuck for now. As she was leaning back against the bed, I leaned forward towards her.

We laid there panting and covered in sweat. "We better get back to the party." she says as she combs her hair with her fingers. "Yeah." I say as I sit up.

I totally forgot about asking her out.

Mikey's POV

They had cake that was the flavor of the unicorn cookies I love. Me and Bob were standing there enjoying the cake and moaning as we each took a bite. "I'm getting turned on by this cake." I moan. "Do I have a boner.?" Bob asks as he moans. "Yeah." I answer as I raise an eyebrow. "Sweet." he moans.

"I'm going to go see the other food at that table." he says as he walks over to the table. I didn't even say anything. I was just enjoying this cake too much.

"Hey Mikey." Libby says as she walks up to me. "Did you take a shower or something.?" I ask. "No why.?" she asked. "You're all wet." I respond looking at her damp hair. "Sprinklers." she answered. Weird, her clothes aren't wet though.

She chuckles as she looks at me. "What's so funny.?" I ask with a smirk. "You got cake on your face." she says with a chuckle. "Where.?" I ask sounding like I care. "Right there." she said as she slowly wipes it off with her finger and licks it off. "Mmm." she said peculiarly. She then smirks at me and walks away. I just stared at her.

What was that.? I've seen that before. Donna does that to Donald sometimes. And I've seen my cousin do it to her boyfriend she brings over. After that they frickle frackle. Wait....

Was she trying to frickle frackle with me.?!

Oh no Ray and Frankie were right.! I need to tell somebody.

Bob's POV

I put everything I saw in my mouth that was on the table. "That's a napkin." a guy says to me as I stuff it in my mouth. A tasty napkin.

"Hey Bob.!" I hear Libby say. I turn around and see her. "Oh, hey Libby." I say with a smile. "So enjoying the party.?" she asks. "Yeah, I really like the food." I answer. She then chuckles. "What.?" I pout. "You're so pouty." she says as she playfully hits my chest. "Ow." I cried as if it hurt. "What.?! You're a strong guy." she says sexually. Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck. My smile drops slowly.

"You think I'm strong.?" I ask. "Yea." she says sexually as she bites her lip and raises her leg against mine. I freak out. A girl was hitting on me. And it was Libby.

She was hitting on me.?!

Oh gawd.

Frank and Ray were right.

Gerard needs to know.

She then smirks and kisses me causing me to widen my eyes. My eyes have never opened that far before. Never.

She lets go and winks at me and walks away.

"Bob.!" Mikey shouts.

Mikey's POV

"Bob.!" I shout as I see him standing there in the corner. "Libby. She-" Bob says before I interrupt him. "Is flirting with all of us.!" I shout as I finish his sentence. "And-" Bib then cuts me off and says "Ray and Frankie were right". "And we need to tell Gerard.!" we both shout at the same time. He was going to ask her out, we needed to stop him.

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