same old dream

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I woke up,gasping for air,my disoriented mind still thinking about the dream.Why did i keep dreaming about this strange man.Beads of sweat trickled down my skin, sticking my t-shirt to my back.I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times,seeing if my room stayed in place.

I inhaled slowly, letting my racing heart settle, as I climed out of bed,the carpet feeling cold against the soles of my bare feet.I wrapped a blanket around me and walked over to my window.

Then suddenly my alarm shrieked,shocking me so badly I actually jumbed and spun around as I hit the off button.Totally forgot about school,I took a quick shower and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a black "OVOXO" t-shirt.I ran a brush through my curly black hair and pulled it into a bun.

Then I went over to the full lenght mirror on the back of my bedroom door and did a quick glance over.My legs were not too long not too short, my skin was a little too pale and my eyes were dark brown but there was an odd thing about my hair,the ends of my hair were gold and every year the gold grew a little more.People thought i had dyed it but i was born with it yes, weird, I know.But it fit right in with everything else that had to do with me.

Marco and Sophia-my grandparents, who have insisted I call them by their first names.They took care of me since i was just two years old. They told me my parents were dead but i never accepted it, because deep inside something told me that they were still alive but they never realky talk about what really happend.

I came downstairs and met Sophia drinking thee and Marco sat at the table, the morning newspaper opened up infront of him. I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and took a seat at the kitchen table.

Marco peered over the newspaper at me, his black oval rimmed glasses sliding down the brim of his slightly crooked nose."Kimberly" , he mumbled with a subtle nod.

I strained a smile.We barely talk to each other, which I guess isn't that big of a change since we barely talked before.

Over the last few weeks, I had been trying to make some sense out of why they refused to speak about what really happend to my parents.All i could come up with was that maybe talking about my parents was too painfull for them.Either that or they did'nt like me.

Sophia's voice yanked me out of my thoughts. "kimberly, your gonna be late for your first day at school" sophia said in a nippy tone. So I started eathing more quickly, I ate my food so quickly that i nearly choked twice.Once I finished choking my food down,I trampled across the snowy driveway,climed in my faded blue Mitsubishi Mirage, which made a loud noise everytime I pushed on the gas pedal, and headed off to school.

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