A Girl Of Prophecy

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~ A very long time ago in Rome ~

"You're a lord of time, yes doctor? Your planet burned a very, very long time ago. You're young, your eyes are old and you've seen things that were never meant to be. You know loss more than anyone and the pain is deadly." Evelyn said

The doctor nodded hurt being portrayed in his eyes.

"Doctor, you're going to like this prophecy, walk with me, I'll explain." She ushered him

The doctor complied and walked with Evelyn through many rocky halls. Evelyn stopped and turned to look at the carvings in the rock. The doctor examined the carving, his fingers going over the sharp turns and deep crevisious.

"This girl, her name is Elizabeth Wilson. They say that she is going to save the world somehow, one day in the future. She sits and waits patiently for a doctor to take her and show her the stars so she can remember who she is."

"She lost who she was?" The doctor asked

"Apparently so. She holds a ring always with her at all times, but it is not on her fingers."


"Quite so doctor. You shall consider finding her, one of these days."

"Geronimo." The doctor said a clear smirk on his face as he fled back to the tardis

~ Many years into the future ~

Elizabeth was lazing on the couch reading a book, it was her usual Sunday routine. At 21 even she thought she'd be doing more but no. Today however she had the weirdest feeling in her stomach, it was like butterfly's and drums were all flying and beating there way. She at first ignored the feeling, thinking nothing of it. She usually felt weird in the morning but this was just beyond weird. That was when her door bell rung. She rolled her eyes getting up, it was probably some stupid sales man, they always come on Sundays. Her eyes met and a stunning young man and to her she'd sworn she'd seen him before.

"Hello I'm the doctor." He said his accent was clearly British

"Doctor who?" Her hand covered her mouth quickly as if it wasn't her saying it

"Just the doctor."

She nodded quickly

"Can I ask you some questions Miss?"

"Sure, make it quick though."

"Oh come on you've got nothing to do today, you could go for an adventure."

"What that a question?" She asked shaking her head

The doctor then realised it wasn't going to be that easy to get her companionship.

"Okay, question one, what's your favourite time of day?"

"Night, I love star gazing." She replied with a small smile

"Right, do you sometimes have an overwhelming urge to travel?

"Yes, I do, but I assume that's natural for humans yeah."

"Well yes but.." He trailed off shaking his head and moving on

"Where's your place of origin?"

"I was born and raised in... in gallifrey?" She said confused with herself and her head was banging quite badly and that's when she went into an almost trance like dream.

"A lord of time and space 12 lives regeneration, tardis time and relative dimension in space, Gallifrey burned, burned in the centre of time, there is only 4 surviving time lords. Doctor, doctor who? The doctor that comes to me in my dreams, helps me, saves me and shows me the stars. Time lords, doctor we've met before, you wouldn't have remember though, you're so very old now." When she was done talking the human part of her was not in a good way, she was shaking very badly and tears were running down her face. Her head was clearing banging and her breaths were very short.

"Okay Elizabeth you need to let me in I can help, I'm a doctor remember?"

But she wasn't registering much right now and all of that flew out the door. The doctor whipped out his sonic and opened the door, coming right to her aid.

"Eleventh?" She said rocking back and forth

"Shhh." He hushed crouching down to her and taking her in his arms

"I need you to focus on my voice okay, where is it?" He asked and she knew exactly what he meant

"I'm going to die doctor."

"And I'm not gonna let you!" His voice was strong and that little bit of his last self coming through

She pulled out a ring carefully from her pocket. It was stunning, gallifreyian was carved into the metal.

"I always knew to keep it on me."

The doctor slid the ring onto her finger and a familiar glowing orange light came out, like the one of a time lord. As the light made its way to its owner and doctor picked her up bridal style and walked her back to the tardis.

"You have a world to save." He said as he laid her down in his library

"Make sure she's comfy old girl." He said to the tardis as he walked through the halls to get back to the console room

The tardis groaned in response and he smiled. He'd never imagined in his wildest dream, another time lord. But now the game was on to show her the stars and help her save the world.

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