Elizabeths Time

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When Elizabeth woke up from her quite long slumber, she looked around. She was in a huge library, no doubt that it was the tardis' library. A small smile creaked its way onto her lips and she hopped up in a dash.

"Hello old girl! Can you help me find the doctor?" She asked her

The tardis made a whine in response and Elizabeth dashed off through many orange lit halls to find the doctor. When she did find the doctor she stood there for a few seconds admiring a beauty of the tardis. She'd hadn't seen one in a very long time the excitement rose within her and her eyes wandered to the bowtied man standing around wobbling bits of the tardis' console.

"Doctor!" She squeaked

The doctor turned toward her at the sound of his name.

"Hello you!" He responded in a voice which held just as much excitement

She made her way towards him and he opened his arms to welcome her. She took the invitation of his gladly and they embraced tightly. The doctor lifted her off her feet and they twirled around for a short time. Her eyes met his and she sent sympathy toward him, she knew what'd he'd been through all these years. When he did put her down she fixed her clothes and smiled a toothy grin just like the one that'd been on his face.

"Well, hello there old friend."

There was a short moment of silence between them, I'd been so long since more than one time lord had been in his tardis and I guess all 3 were taking it in.

"This is your tardis then doctor?" she asked raising an eyebrow

"Yes, isn't she a beauty."

"One might even call her, sexy am I wrong?"

The tardis then interrupted with a groan that sounded as if she were pleased. The doctor looked down at his old worn out boots.

"Elizabeth I am so sorry."

"You weren't to know doctor, its okay, I forgive you. The time war feels like 5 minutes ago for me and for you it's probably hundreds of years."

"Tell me about it."

"About how I got away?"


"Okay." She nodded

"When I was living in gallifrey I was just growing up, same body as when I was born, I've used no regenerations as of then. I was what some would call 11 years old. 3 months of time the war and daleks showed no mercy on us, I was terrified of them being a young girl and all." Her expression was as if she was far away remembering those times

"Hey it's ok." The doctor said softly placing a hand on her shoulder

And she went on with her story.

"My parents died they were murdered by darleks and this made me so angry, I didn't know what to do. So I did what any child would, I ran away from the city. I packed all my things and I climbed the highest mountain in gallifrey, I'm sure you know which one I'm walking about I've been there for 4 days maybe and that's when you arrived, you told me that it'll all be okay and one day you'll come and get me and show we the stars for the first time. I had believed you and it restored my faith in our people."

"I remember, that's the day I-"

"Don't." She warned him and he shook his head in agreement

"After you left me a darlek spotted me and I knew I was dead so I threw myself off the mountain and I died alright, but I felt free for more than a few minutes the wind rushing through my hair and the thrill of falling. I don't regret it till this day it saved my life."

"You just jumped?" He asked

"You know the nagging feeling in the back of your head saying do it, do it, do it. So I listened and I bet you've listened once or twice to by now."

The doctor smiled having his own little flash back of his past when he'd given in to the compulsion.

"Anyway, So I regenerated into who I am now well I was 17 back then a little boy possibly a year younger took me to the time gallery and we stole a vortex manipulator. I had seen maybe a hundred tardis' in there and they were more beautiful than anything I've ever seen before. The boy had told me to keep up with him but I wanted to see inside a tardis and so I did. That's when I picked up my ring and got knocked out by god knows how. And woke up back in that house."

"Who couldn't been inside that tardis and why you?" The doctor asked suspiously turning toward Elizabeth from the oven

"I don't know, but I'm lucky. How's it coming along doctor?"

In the course of her telling her story the doctor had come up with a wonderful idea and without interrupting had led her to the kitchen and was currently cooking fish fingers under the grill.

"It'll be ready soon!" The doctor cheered his eyes had just a little extra twinkle in them then before

"What are we eating anyways?"

"Fish fingers and custard." He exclaimed in a childlike tone

She shook her head and cheesy smile lingered on her lips as she supressed a giggle.

"Did I mention..." She trailed off walking toward the time lord who was working the oven

"I'm loving the bowtie." Her eyes glanced at his and her hands come straighten the soft martial around his neck

"Bowties are cool." He ask narrowing his eyes and nodded his head in agreement with himself

"They so are."

Well a little flirting was never a bad thing, when you think about it last 2 time lords in room together, there are hundreds of possibilities.

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