What Happens in the Past Stays There

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The doctor had plotted an adventure in the past based on things Elizabeth hadn't seen. True she was a time lord but a time lord that had seen different worlds or been to different times and the doctor was quite eager to show her. When the pair arrived in the past the doctor had picked a peaceful winters night. As he walked out of the tardis his feet sunk into the frosty ice bellow him and he waited for her. She next walked out and the same thing happened to her. Once again her breath was taken away from her from the beautiful frost bits falling out of the sky. She looked down at her buried feet and she felt like a child again, a child in a candy store that was the saying. Her eyes wondered to the bowtied man once more and he had a cloudy expression.

"This is human's snow yes?" She asked him

"Yes, funny like bits of frozen water falling out of the sky."

She giggled her arms extending palms facing upward and her head looking up to into the sky. She stumbled walking through the thick sheet of snow only to spin around letting the chilly air surround her and take her into its essence. The doctor watched the younger time lord with quite a loving look, she reminded him of his younger self with such an innocent and adventurous spirt. He hadn't noticed but she'd stopped and was staring at him.

The doctor had a certain cheeky grin on, one that Elizabeth had noticed appeared quite often. His arms then extended and he shrugged as if asking what she thought. She basically fell into his arms hugging him whole heartily. You could see the glittering's of white in her silk like hair but they didn't bother her.

"So, what are we doing here?" She asked letting him go gingerly

"Before we go anywhere let's get with the times." He said very vaguely

She knew he was definitely up to somethings, he a certain tone to his voice that gave it away. He took her hand and they walked off down the street there arms swinging as they did.

Elizabeth soon found out the doctors scheme, that's of course after she walked out of the dress show in a beautiful auburn dress that what some would call 'old fashion'. The doctor himself had also changed into a very stylish outfit and being the doctor had a good old fez propped on his head.

"Really?" She asked rolling her eyes at him

"What? Fezzes are cool, I wear a fez now." He stated

"No you don't!" She replied grabbed the fez and frisbeeing it back into the shop.

The doctor cleared his throat and fixed his bowtie.

"That's much better." She nodded at her handy work

"You look very... handsome." She blushed softly and her fists clenched at her sides in nervousness

The doctor took a step toward her,

"You look quite beautiful." He said taking her left hand and placing a chaste kiss to it

Her cheeks proceeded to flush a shade of crimson and the doctor pretended not to notice, his eyes casting in another direction.

"Now for our first venture." He said looking back toward her

He offered her his left arm and she took it, excitement coming over her. Then turning toward him and in a moment of boldness she asked him a question that had been forming in her mind.

"Doctor are you trying to woo me?"

"What? No."

"Well if you are, it's working."

A mischievous glint sparked in the doctors eyes. He navigated them through many streets that were dimly lit by kerosene lamps. At the corner of the street before were the doctor had planned to go he stopped.

"Um doctor, were in the middle of the road..."

"Yes um well.." He struggled

She soon understood what he meant to do when he'd stood behind her and placed his hands over her eyes. A cool chill ran through her body when he touched her, their skin colliding and her hearts started beating a tiny bit faster. He guided her down the street and her lashes fluttered against his palms. When they were outside their destination the doctor leaned down so his chin was almost touching her shoulder.

"Surprise." He whispered taking his hands away

When she adjusted to the light once more she lit up at the old plaque that said in classical writing

Dressed to kill, Holmes, Sherlock.

"Brilliant!" She turned to him

All this was more then amazing to her and to be here with him made it even more special. She grabbed his hand and they sneaked into the building together. The doctor hadn't realised that he needed tickets in advance, so he soniced the door open. He let her pick the seats and she picked right at the back.

"I used to watch films back on gallifrey." She whispered to the doctor

"So did I with my family." He whispered back

Throughout the movie the doctor had to explain a number of things to her but he didn't mind that. She did end up not quite understanding it but that didn't matter. They were the last ones out of the theatre as they'd stayed for the credits. A queasy feeling formed in her stomach and she stopped him in his tracks as they were walking out.

"Doctor I need to know... if this was a date?" She said looking down to her feet

She'd only asked because of all the new feelings she was experiencing. It overwhelmed her as it was her first time feeling like this toward someone.

"I-I just wanted to show you something amazing." He answered

His eyes looked at her and the emotions disclosed were confusion and shock. It shocked her that he couldn't answer straight. And it shocked him that she actually asked him that, he'd never gotten asked.

Elizabeth looked up from her feet and looked into his beautiful yet confronting green eyes. The doctor run his hand through his hair whist their eyes still connected.

"Doctor." She whispered softly still searching his eyes for something just anything

"Elizabeth..." He trailed off

Their bodies inched together and the doctor nervously licked his bottom lip. Their hearts, all four combined beat in time together. The doctor hadn't felt like this for a very long time with one of his kind. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and she felt a wave of heat take over her.

His eyes flicked from hers to her lips within a few seconds. Her hand cupped his right cheek and their lips pressed together and went on to move in sync. A beautiful orange light swirled off them both individually before twirling together, from onlookers it was almost as if the light was doing its own beautiful dance together. The essence of two time lords mixing together and what a sight it was to watch. The doctor did have some confusion as were to put his hands but decided to put them on her waist.

When they parted both had distinct red flushes on their cheeks. Both of them looked away from each other quite quickly. Elizabeth turning the other way, chest heaving and she fought to catch her breath. The doctor shook his head violently and started talking to himself in his subconscious. Elizabeth touched her lips her eyes darting around and she felt quite sickly to her stomach, yet felt light and weak.

"Excuse me Sir, Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A man yelled down the hall

The doctor and Elizabeth moved down the hall together.

"S-so what's next?" She stuttered

"What? Um yeah, agh this way." He replied turning the sharp corner and she followed

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