Your Girlfriend

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Your Girlfriend

I miss the real you I talked to everyday

You were so laid back and happy

Never distant and always asking if I was okay 

You were sweet but never too sappy

I loved talking to you almost every minute

I always had a smile on my face

You changed and I don't get it

Now you seem to only want space

You are acting so different

It's not fair to my heart

I know this isn't what you meant

She changed the way you are

Before her, you were practically mine

Now you can't talk to any girl at all

Because all she will do is whine

You probably even carry her purse at the mall

She might as well have you on a leash

What happened to the boy I used to know?

You barely have freedom of speech

Why can't you just say no?

I thought you cared about my feelings

But then she came along

I think you forgot about everything

This is so wrong

I really hate your girlfriend

Why don't you get a clue?

I miss my best guy friend

I can't believe I fell for you

Based On: My best guy friend that I really miss.


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