I Wish it Was a Dream

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I'm sorry for what I did

I should have been more responsible

You were still just a kid

I'm happy you were so likeable

You did it for me

I still feel like it's my fault

I realized how unfair it could be

The truth might as well been locked in a vault

I cried when someone told me

My whole class watched me crumble into a mess

I never knew how bad it could be

Everything in my life turned into a mess

An iPod started it

It ended with handcuffs and cop cars

I wanted to throw a fit

Because my brother was behind bars

Everyone stared at the end of the day

They gave me looks of pity

Some looked in dismay

I wanted to get out of the city

My good friends were there

Through all of my tears

The only ones that showed care

I didn't want to face my peers

Home alone that night

Parents trying to do anything

I wouldn't eat a bite

I wished I could do something

I got the the one call

I cried at the sound of his voice

I wish I could forget it all

I still remember all of the noise

He finally got home from jail

It had been a long night

Money gone because of the bail

The zeros were a sight

The weeks that followed were worst

All the questions were endless

I just wanted to burst

My question was how did I do this?

Everyday is a reminder

Nothing lets us forget

I wish this world was kinder

And that the boy and I never met

I still blame that boy and myself too

It's like a broken seam

There's nothing this girl can do

I want it all to be a dream

Based On: My brother getting arrested because of me


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2011 ⏰

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