African Americans vs Africans?

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This has been bugging me for the longest.

As an African American, who has African parents......I'd like to shed some light on this because things are getting out of hand.

Alright so this A vs AA thing bugs me because as black people why can't we just unite? I ask my parents this all the time but they just don't wanna hear it from me because I'm young and just talking.

Like since when did age reflect on your knowledge? And when I do say something intelligent, my mom would be like, you think you know everything, you have a long way to go.

Parents man, smh.


This "thing" is about a war or hostility that has been going on between African Americans and Africans. Stupid, right.

African Americans feel like Africans hate them for no reason and that Africans are actually blaming African Americans for getting brainwashed and sold into America like they chose that route.

Now before Yall throw in the whole "but Africans sold us into slavery anyway" thing, I just want to say that west African countries sold a Fewwwwwwwwww percentage of their slaves. The Caucasians got greedy and actually came to a point where they had to INVADE west African countries for slaves because the kings and queens didn't want to just give up their people.

That's just a little info.

Now moving on.

Africans. This mainly goes for the parents or ones who actually willingly came here to the states through visa.  The youth of Africa don't dislike African Americans, it's the older ones...

I wouldn't really say Africans hate African Americans, but Africans sometimes don't see you as family.

Many many reasons why that I will explain.

I often got annoyed with my parents because of this lol. I noticed they didn't like African Americans that much and I didn't really like that because dude, we're all black.

No matter how disgusting they treated you when we you got here, you have to get over it and move on. Black people are already divided as much as it is. We don't need anymore of that. 

I asked them the reason why they feel the way they do about African Americans and this is what they told me, and this goes for most of the Africans that came to the states. They all went through the same thing.

When Africans came here to the states, they expected to be welcomed by their African American counterparts, because all black people are family...butttttttttt they were welcomed with the opposite.

On most occasions when running into an African wasn't pretty at all. A lot of times the African Americans would tease them, ask them humiliating questions such as "is it true that Africans eat lions and roaches and poop" and stuff like that, they'd always, ALWAYS disassociate themselves from Africans and call them horrible names and just downright be ugly to them.

They made fun of them for accents, even if it was a minor accent and the African American could understand them just fine, they'd still find a way to make fun of them for it.

Now me, you wouldn't know I was an African if I didn't tell you.

I blend right in with the African Americans, have no accent, I don't even have the "blackie charcoal" skin that all Africans are projected to have and I don't have stereotypical African facial features.

I do however wear African tribal beads on my wrists to show African pride.

Here is something I want to touch up on. When I do however actually tell people that I am African, even though I had to tell you in order for you to actually know, I'd get made fun of for it.

Even though my parents are from there and not me.............?

Like its like if you are part African, you know matter what will be made fun of 😂

I do want to share that even though this doesn't go for all African Americans, is that most of the jokes I've heard about Africans, come from African Americans. No not Hispanics, barely whites, I don't hear non black make fun of Africans as much as I've heard it from african Americans.

I'm not bashing. I'll get to the Africans next lol

And I haven't experience this by myself. Every African American who has African parents WILL tell you what I am telling you. Majority of the jokes come from our own people. AA

And it sometimes make me cry because the brainwashing has really payed off.

It is not the African Americans fault that they were taught to hate where they come from. It's not.

They didn't ask to be given a white mans last name. Yes, African Americans have the white mans last name. They didn't ask to be shipped to the Americas, beaten, hate each other.. None of that.

For 400+ years they were taught that they were ugly, to accept lighter complexions and to reject where they come from.

And the most important one: to reject b African lineage so they won't get made fun of. That's why when they do make these jokes, they don't feel affected.

"I'm not African American, I'm just American." I've heard so many say.

Its heart breaking.

For me, if someone makes an African joke. I WILL get offended.

If someone makes an African American joke, or black joke in general, I WILL get offended.

Why? because I know what it's like to be African and African American at the same time.

This is getting long but idc, read if you will.

Now I went on Twitter and the same war continues..

This time the Africans were speaking up saying exactly this:

Africans don't hate you, we just don't understand. Why is it that all of a sudden, being African is cool? A couple years ago you guys would give us the cold shoulder, ask us humiliating questions and laugh at us for wearing our native clothing. Now all of a sudden you guys are "woke" after learning about Egyptian history. Learning Egyptian history isn't going to enlighten you when your ancestors come from west Africa. Learn west African history.

African Americans feel that Africans hate them, and Africans think African Americans hate them.

I asked my parents why there is so much hate. They said, that the African Americans started it.

Now I thought the reasoning was childish.

But if you actually think about it, it's true. The Africans didn't have anything against the African Americans at all, they were curious about Yall. But what a rude awakening they were in for when they got here.

Another African on Twitter said:

Guys  come on we don't hate you. If you want to learn about African history, just learn. Nothing is holding you back now. Some of us actually like it that you are starting to embrace where you Came from.

The youth of Africa in all honesty look up to African Americans. And they love hip hop to be honest. I went to Ghana last summer, and I saw a lot of this.

But back to what i was saying, African Americans, if you wanna get in touch with your roots, go ahead no one is holding you back. There is no law that says you cannot be caught reading. Just learn and ask questions.

Not questions that will get an African offended because they've had enough lol.

But for Africans, not all African Americans are against you lol. Some really wanna get to know you.

And don't let the dislike from your parents about African Americans, get to you. They just really got fed up with all the degrading comments.

I love all my black peoples. I don't care where you from, if you have an accent, just be my friend.

I hope this didn't offend anyone. I can do more of these types of topic if you'd like. ☺️.

Update coming soon.

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