Chapter Four

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For the next two days, Sarah learned her way around the chores of housekeeping, Mia, Daniel's suspicious ways and a bit of cooking. She was feeding Mia when Natasha came in.

"Where is Aryan?" Sarah asked about her son.

"He is staying with his father this week." She said taking a seat on the dining table.

"Mia darling, we have to finish this bowl."


"How about you finish this bowl and we'll watch Dora together?" Sarah tried to bargain with the child, albeit cringing at the thought of watching that annoying explorer.

"No." And oh, that shake of head was a reminder of her employer.

"Then what do you want to do?" She asked.

"I want candy."

"Not unless you finish the food."

"Just give her what she wants and you are good to go." Natasha suggested and earned herself a glare from her neighbor. "It saves me a lot hassle and energy with Aryan at least." She explained.

"I have an idea, let's go to park if we get done with the food." Sarah suggested with hope in her eyes and when Mia's eye shone with a gleam, she knew she had won.

"Oh look, city centre's opening is today." Nastasha interjected while flipping pages of the magazine.

"This reminds me, I have to get a few cookbooks from the store. Is there one nearby?"

"City center is located down the block. You'll even get the ingredients too."

"I don't know the way and with Mia I can't afford get lost."

"I can drop you on my way to gym if you want, you can then go to park too."

"That's wonderful. You are my savior!"

"So how is Daniel with you?" Natasha asked when she drove to the mall.

"Just like he is with any other employee." She replied holding Mia securely on her lap.

"Do you also find him charming like they do?"

"Well, he isn't disrespectful."

"Disrespectful? The man has everything and yet he is leading a discreet life. Even if he has flings, I have never seen any girl visiting him often."

"Perhaps he misses his wife."

"My money is on Mia. He adroes her. Ah, I envy you Sarah . If I were in your place I would have married him by now. Not that I haven't given him enough hints." She winked as confessed her feeling for Daniel and stopped the car.

"Thank you so much." Sarah said, although her mind was on the topic of discussion when she entered the mall with Mia in her arms and left a message with Daniel's secretary regarding Mia's whereabouts since he was in a meeting.

The moment Daniel had been waiting for arrived. Mr. Cyrus Humphrey entered his office with his briefcase.

"What have you got?"

"I'm very well, thank you." Cyrus shook hands while he reminded Daniel of greeting preliminary in his own ways.

"I'm sorry. Please take a seat. Tea or coffee?" He asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Tea, please."

"Ms. Sarah Bancroft" Mr. Humphrey began as soon as Daniel placed the order for the beverage. "Is the heir of I-Electronics, being the only child of Mr and Mrs. Bancroft. However, Mr. Bancroft remarried after the death of Samantha Bancroft ten years ago to a Ms. Heather Addison." He continued while showing Daniel the pictures of Sarah 's family. "Ms. Bancroft was raised to join the family business and thus completed her business degree from the university of Wyoming, her hometown."

"Skip this, tell me why did she run away?"

"She was engaged to marry Mr. Ryan Addison, nephew of Mrs. Heather Bancroft in coming fall but an argument between Mr. Bancroft and ms. Bancroft is responsible for her escapade. It is said, she did not want to get married to Mr. Addison."

"Any boy friend?"

"Not that I could find any."

"Then find out about Mr. Addison more and also the real reason behind her elopement."

When the detective left, Daniel could not shake off an uneasy feeling. Could she have a boyfriend? If yes, why hadn't he come to rescue her in the past few days? He hadn't known he had become possessive of her until the fear of seeing her married to someone else arose. Had he really fallen for her, he wondered. Then whey did he allow her to stay at his place, his rational mind scolded. But was impossible for her to choose him, he caught himself short of dreaming. Hadn't her coming to his doorstep a miracle enough?

His phone rang, it was his secretary informing him about Sarah 's message.

"And as we bring the latest news at CBC news channel, it is reported to have third consecutive bomb threat at the train station in the metropolitan city of United States of America. Authorities have confirmed the arrival of the bomb squads at the site.

The news have created a havoc in the city as people rush to save their lives...." He didn't bother to pay attention to the rest of the news as he picked his jacked from the back of his chair and called Sarah on his way out of the office.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"City center." Sarah replied, pushing her cart towards the counter.

"And Mia?"

"With me of course."

"Stay right there, I'm coming to pick you."

"But we are fine. I'm almost done here and we are about to leave."

"Shut up, just do as I say!"

An hour later, he found her sitting in the corridor of the mall in her blue denim, nude pumps and a white button shirt as she pacified Mia in her arms. For only a briefest of moment, he just stood there and took in the sight he beheld. What wouldn't he give just to have her waiting for him every evening for the rest of his life? As if he hadn't been smitten by her beauty, she looked even more attractive in this simple attire.

As he escorted Sarah to his car with Mia in his arms, she couldnt help but wonder if he had always looked this charming in his fold up sleeves showing off his wrist watch while his white button down shirt and black formal trousers enhanced his virility or was it the conversation she had with Natasha that made her notice him.

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