Chapter Six

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As she got ready for her wedding, she pondered over her life in the last few days. She had run away from her own home to fight for her right, earned her wages doing an odd job, lied about herself, fallen in love with a child, got herself engaged to her employer whom she had come to respect and look up to in crisis.

He was fixing his cufflinks of his blue shirt when she emerged in pearl white lace top and black slacks, paired with a black and white peep toe and asked, "where is Mia?"

"With Natasha."

"What?" She asked when he gave her a look over and said nothing with his inquisitive expression.

"Either I'm too excited for this wedding or you are least interested." He remarked at their contrasting attire.

"I didn't come prepared for my wedding. This is the closest to formal wear that I have with me."

"Of course." With that he called his headquarter and asked to bring the best of formal wear from the latest collection to his place. An hour later, the outfits arrived and she picked a beige suit with maroon applique for the day.

"Pick red." He asked from the corner of the room where he stood leaning on the wall. And she did. It was an exquisite piece of red silk with an embellished shoulder strap while the other was bare. When Sarah went to change, he patiently waited in the living room, checking his emails. He didn't find anything glamorous about the outfit until he saw her coming out of the room, fixing her neck line on either side. He stood up as if in spell and caught himself short before he embarrassed himself further and led her towards the main door.

The drive to and fro the Court was spent in silence except for a few casual talks and stolen glances. He took a few calls to accept wishes while she sat there in silence. By the time they picked Mia, she was fast asleep and Natasha congratulated them both with a smirk. Daniel made Mia sleep in his room as was her usual place and asked Sarah to use the same from now on.

Sarah was taking off her earnings when she caught his reflection in the mirror, standing at the threshold of the room looking at her. He must have sensed her gasp for air when she had stopped midway, looking conscious of his presence because he started walking in very slowly while she turned around to face him but instead if walking up to her as she was expecting, he came in the room and held the door knob to create the barrier, separating them.

"Take your time." He said just before he closed the door.

In that one moment, Mrs. Moore was spell bound by her own husband as she stood there in his own room while he gave her the time to come to terms with this abrupt relationship. When she could calm her nerves and thank her lucky stars for getting her married to a respectable man, she walked out of the room only to find him working on his laptop in the living room.

"Can I speak to you?" She asked when she approached his side. In response to his wife's first request, he closed the flap of his macbook and turned towards her, motioning her to sit beside him on the sofa.

"You didn't ask why irefused to marry Ryan?"

"I'm sure you must have had your reasons." He replied, keeping his arm on the head rest.

"My mother passed away when I was young. My father remarried my step-mother ten years ago. I was too young to think he loved her more than my own mother." She sneered. "I always thought if I did what he wanted me to do, I'll still be his favorite." She turned to his side, facing him as she continued. "He wanted me to marry my step-mother's nephew. I agreed. We got engaged last year." She looked in his eyes, gauging his response. He seemed serious, paying close attention to what was being said to him. Then he nodded, asking her to continue and she did. "Ryan started visiting us soon, very often in fact. I found his visits unnecessary but my father did not find anything odd about it so he continued to stay longer than his previous visits." She heaved a sigh before she shared the reason behind her escapade. "He tried to force himself on me twice. The first time I thought it was by mistake but when he tried again I knew I had to draw line. I spoke to my father but couldn't very well explain to him because we don't have the comfort zone after my mother passed away."

"Thank you." He said. "For sharing this with me."

"You are my husband. You have a right to know."

He gulped down as he looked back in her eyes and said. "Mia.."

The fear in his eyes made her jump to conclusion. "Won't she accept me?"

"Wait. What? Why wouldn't she?" He said shaking his head. "She isn't my biological daughter."

"Then?" But she already knew the answer to this. "Kevin's?"

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