Chapter 2

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A/N: As many of you know I have started rewriting the chapters. There are some slight changes in this version. Hope all of you will like it.

Special thanks to sweeta12 for still keeping this book in her library and giving it a chance. Thank you! ❤

On with the chapter...


"You are late! I already ate half of the popcorn." Vivian whined.

Vivian was a member of our pack and one of my best friends. Her dad was just a common wolf who helped in doing business with humans and her mum was one of the regular cooks at the pack house. Vivian was determined to follow her dad's footsteps and her goal was to make our pack the richest. When I was training she would be reading business books and learning from her dad. Most afternoons when both of us are free we watch movies together.

"I'm sorry! Dad had me do some paper work for new members who will be joining our pack soon. It took more time than I thought." I said as I sat down next to her.

"Are they rogues ?" She asked curiously.

Rogues were the ones who did not belong to any pack. Hence they were free from command. Many times the rouges were unstable and meant trouble. They were savage and had destructive tendencies. A wolf who lost a mate might become rogue due to sadness. Some wolves do not follow the command of the Alpha and break rules of the pack, they may be kicked out of a pack to become rogue. Some rogues are mad and just kill for fun. Some are innocent and just want to lead life out of pack. Rarely some wolf who is tired of rogue life wishes to join a pack. The Alpha will verify the background of that wolf and see if the wolf is fit to be in a pack or not. Mostly all packs are wary of rogues.

"No they are not rogues. Some wolves from the northern wild fangs pack want to change their pack. They had some trouble with new mates. Apparently the male had already mated with a female who was not his mate and after finding his true mate he was torn what to do. To avoid fights which were increasing day by day their alpha is transferring them to our pack so that they have a new start." I explain.

"Why can't males just wait for their mates?" Grumbled Vivian to which I shrugged. She gets up to put on a movie.

"We're watching evil dead?" I ask. "You sure you can handle it?"

"Of course!" she said haughtily.

Halfway through the movie my dad mind linked me asking me to go to him soon. All wolves of one pack could talk to one other with mind. If you were not careful even your private thoughts could be heard by others.

My dad called me to welcome the newest pack members who arrived a bit early. There were 2 mates and the females sister. They seems pretty humble and talked to my dad with respect. We would have a small welcoming ceremony in the evening and then they would be officially part of our pack.

I was like a shadow to my dad throughout the ceremony. Watching his moves and listening to the words he said. Finally we finished the ceremony and had dinner.

"Alisha dear, did you eat properly? I was so busy with the cooking that I completely forgot to check up on you." My mom asked.

"Yes mom." I smiled. My mom would always worry about my diet, making sure I ate well. She kissed my forehead and went about to talk to other pack members.

"Alisha, go to bed soon you will have to get up early tomorrow. Keep in mind I'm gonna win and teach your wolf a lesson." He smirked.

"Ya keep dreaming old man." I smirked.

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