chapter 2

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Since the beginning of time there have been plagues. Small pox, black death, and more then anyone could ever name, but each shared the same trait, as fast as they came they left. Leaveing a trail of millions dead in the process. This WAS a different kind of plague. It came and left, but the infected stayed feasting on the living. If this person got "bit" or "scratched" they were dead already no saving them, but they also didn't die in a way. You see the body stayed, but this person is dead. Let's call it T-Virus. Enough about that let's talk about the disease itself. How can I put this...... it makes you eat anything with a heartbeat. The T-virus has been forming before the dinosaurs and withen that time it has grown and became something we can no longer control. The government tried at first, but immediately failed. They tried many different tactics to get rid of this disease, but nothing worked. Everyone started thinking withen the first two weeks there will be a vaccine. It has been nineteen years and yet nothing. Three weeks in they told people to stay in their homes and the government would come with care packages, that three weeks never came. We're still waiting government.....

-20 years later-

When you're a kid born into the apocalypse, it's hard. You can't go outside ,you can't do anything loud. You can read and tell stories to your friends, but that's pretty much it. Beside watching the vines grow each day and the buildings collapse a little more. Sometimes I think about my mother. I ask my leader, Joan, about my mom, she never says anything to me and blows right over it like she didn't hear what I said. When I have nothing to do I'll sneak out I just have to be careful of the Soldiers. I'm apart of a group called Rebels. They shoot us on sight unless you have a S tattoo on your shoulder. I usely draw it on with sharpie to visit my friend Larissa. We we're friends before Joan took me and broke free of the Soldiers. I don't know why she did it, at least I didn't. Oh my name is Allisa Point I'm the daughter of Julie Point and Andy Point her boyfriend before this all took a turn for the worst and I found out my secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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