Chapter 1 - The Start of it All

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One day in the small village of messene a mysterious man unexpectedly showed up who everyone had feared and his name was unknown they called him The Secret Apprentice, nobody knows what his name is or who he really is but they knew one thing and that is...he is really bad.

He is a terrible source of evil with magical powers such as shooting lightning bolts from his hands, charging a black hole from his hands, and his biggest and baddest power of all...The Dark Side, the dark side is a dark galaxy where all of the most feared beings in history live.

Including there overlord Darth Vader, Freddie Cougar, and Jason who only comes out during his favorite day Friday 13th all of these beings come together in one place in the galaxy to make the dark side.

The Secret Apprentice can also bring all of The Dark Side down on his command to fight for him, and protect him this is The Secret Apprentices Time to come down and create all kinds of really bad things.

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