Chapter 3-The mysterious day

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The mysterious day, now 2 years has past, Janet, Jack and Tia has now almost forgotten about there fathers death but there is still a burning fire in there hearts that makes them still remember that tragic day, but now they have moved on with there lives.

Some of it has turned out for the good, mother Janet Piper now has a new job as a news writer for the whole town of messene, they all appreciate the work she is doing for the town to know what is going on with the mystery man named the secret apprentice.

They all still have no idea who he is, but the town has a plan to capture and see who he actually is, they will all chip in to help build a giant net out of rope and tie it in the woods between 5 trees, and the secret apprentice goes through there each day, but still nobody knows who he is and what he is doing when he goes through that part of the woods that nobody goes through.

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