Chapter 4-The plan to catch

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It is now 2 days later and the forest is deep and dark today with a green mysterious glow the whole town thinks it's s great day to capture the secret apprentice, but they are having trouble with the last knot on the net to catch the secret apprentice.

They now had to cut it off with some sharp rocks, it took them two and a half hours to cut it off because the knot was very thick and tight, so now they have finished the net after all that work they have done they are very proud of themselves.

Now they are determined they will catch the secret apprentice so they set up the net between 5 trees one of them a big strong oak tree so it could hold it all together, they wait for the right moment and they waited... And waited.... And waited for 3 hours they waited but then......all of a sudden the secret apprentice appeared out of no were with something nobody would ever expect to happen in a very long time.....

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