The Choice (sequel to The Chance)

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hi readers! I know I know, I haven't written the sequel soon enough but now!!! its finally here!!!!

updates might be a tad slow, but I shall still update as much as I can!!!

I know most of you guys will be wondering what will happen, but there will alot of twists and turns in this story!!! :) enjoy!!!

Loki's POV

My Alayna is alive, she's really alive.

my heart swelled as I thought of her, her hair with its streaks of color and her blush when I teased her.

Her laugh that even made me laugh, even the insuffriable Avengers laugh when she laughs even the Bruce Banner. I sighed as I relived memories of her, her kisses what few we had were certainly life altering for me.

When I first met her, she tricked me!

Me! The god of trickery and lies and mischief, I smiled at the way she introduced herself and the snarky attitude she held but even then she still made a impression in my heart.

I sat here in my room, trying everything to find her but days have passed and nothing....

My magic hasn't worked, its as if she's been cloaked, shielded from me, it was strange and infuriating at the same time.

The man of iron was tired of me throwing his items of value offboard. Even the soldier and the spies was on edge as if we would never find her.

We will find her, I shall have my Alayna back and safe with me.

The Choice (sequel to The Chance)Where stories live. Discover now