part 6

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Hi guys! :) I'm so sorry about not updating soon enough! Summer projects and volunteer hours have been crazy! :/ but hopefully you all will enjoy this newest chapter! :D

Also .... I've decided that all alayna can do now control and harness the Tesseract. Reading the comments and taking in consideration, the Avengers powers, Alayna only has one power now. But with that one power? A bunch can happen! :) Hope you guys can understand! Comment if its a problem... :)

Alayna's POV

I followed close behind Magnecto as we weaved through silver doors and darken halls. Lely stood beside me clutching my arm, I smiled to her in comfort. She meekly smiled back and turned back to face magnecto who had opened yet another door with his ability.

We entered a large hall, the right side of the room had large oval shaped windows. There in the middle of the room sat a long metal table which sat several men and women. One man in particular had blond bushy hair and a feral look in his eyes. As we walked past him, I caught a faint whiff of a scent that almost made me gag. But beside him was a navy blue woman with magenta red hair and yellowish eyes that caught my eyes and no clothes on it would seem as we neared them.

Magnecto sat at the head of the table, garnering all attention to him as he sat. I took a seat beside him and lely followed me example. The blue woman sat on his right side while I had sat on his left. She gave him a weary look and opened her mouth to speak but was silenced by a look from him. She glared at me openly as he clapped his hands for attention.

"Now, I would like to introduce a new fellow sister to our cause Lely and hopefully soon Alayna" he said as he motioned to lely and I .

I wasn't going to join the brotherhood, after what I've heard about what they've done to non mutants. Dispicable actions, I thought as I silently glared at Magnecto. The blue woman hissed at me before announcing "She does not support our cause, she isn't worthy to be in the brotherhood! ". She slammed her hands on the table, startling another person who sat at the table flicking a lighter back and forth.

"Calm yourself, Mystique. Time will tell and she is more than worthy" and with those words Mystique the blue woman sat down but didn't take her eyes off me as she glared.

If looks could kill ..... but they can't so its all good.

The man who flicked a lighter sat up, his brown eyes flicked over to Lely, and the flame in his hands grew. Lely clutched my hand harder, I started to feel a freezing cold. I clutched her hand and knelt down to her ear, "Show him, don't be scared" I whispered to her.

She looked up at me with scared eyes but I just nodded and smiled as she picked her hand up and froze the man's lighter from across the table. His eyes met Lely's and she smirked. "Another Iceman hmph" he just whined.

"So, what of it! " she said with a strong voice shocking everyone. "Pyro" the man said with a smirk as he shook her hand. "Lely" she said firmly. I smirked as I watched lely blossom from the shy tortured girl I first met.

Magnecto was smiling too as he watched lely start talking to Pyro and joking around.

"Now to the important business that I've called this meeting for is the anti mutant societies that are popping up in the world. Mystique, have you fully infiltrated the Pentagon?" he turns to mystique who smiles smugly.

"Done, they don't even know what hit them" she replied as she gives me a look that says Ha, I'm Magnecto's top agent.

I just stared at her like I gave a shite what Magnecto thinks.

"Good, now Sabertooth and Pyro your assignment is tomorrow, do we need to go over anything" he directed his next question to Pyro and Sabertooth who both shook there heads.

"Good.Meeting is adjourned till a later da".

BOOM! A loud explosion shook the building causing a light layer of dust to fall down.

We all had expressions of shock and anger especially Magnecto and mystique. Lely grabbed my arm tight and I smiled at her as she paled. "It will be fine" I murmured as I gave her a smile of comfort.

Magnecto pushed the doors open with his ability and he gave stern looks to everyone which caused them disappear off in a different direction.

He nodded to me as we entered the hall, he walked down the halls with purpose as his cape fluttered behind him. Dust and fumes clouded the lower half of the halls causing it to give off a eery look.

we turned past several halls, hearing loud bangs and hollers as people rushed past us giving no sign of knowing we were there.

I charged my baton as a feeling of foreboding and danger came over me as we neared the blast sight. Magnecto held several pieces in the air and Lely froze her body in a ice armour that shimmered in the faint light.

My wings were sprung out and my hair had changed into the flurosecent blue that practically lit up in the darkness. I was ready for a fight...

A booming voice rang through the halls... "Where's Alayna?"

Magnecto turned his head to smirk at me with a knowing look as he knew that voice that challenged his halls.

"Ahh Logan, such a surprise indeed" magnecto murmured as he lifted the pieces and threw them into the room we had just entered.

A large gapping hole was in the center of the wall, the light flickered with sparks as wired hung from the semi destroyed ceiling. A group of people stood in the center of the hole with anger in their eyes.

The large metal pieces that magnecto threw in the beginning were chucked by a man with a hammer. A man in a redgold suit floated with his thrusters on as a blonde man held his sheild. I gasped as my eyes wandered to each of the people's faces and a sense of regonition fluttered through me.

"Alayna!" a voice called out and the man from the park came rushing forward, green eyes filled with a emotion that warmed me. But as I caught his eyes, Castiel's voice rang through my mind.

"ah ah, not today my bride. if you want your memories... you must leave this instant.". His dark voice carried through my mind, shivers of pain came rushing with every word causing me to wince. I looked at his green eyes feeling the love in his eyes and I made my decision ...

Hi guys! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.. any suggestions then comment! I love reading comments! I plan to update every week for every two comments I get! :)

comment! love it!


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