Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing?

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The crushing of grass and sticks surrounded me, my body bounced in her wrapped arms, placing me down to the ground unexpectedly; the sound of grass and sticks no longer could be heard, yet the voices of yelling men in the distance could. "Stay here, mummy loves you" were the last words I heard from her sweet tender voice , as tears rolled down my mother's face; her eyes looked at me with that sad kind of look, I was too young to understand but I sat there in the bushes, waiting for my mother's return. Well at least that's what I remember, the memory was very faded but yet I was still able to visualise the exact moments before the bright light took me. Now I'm here, in this unknown place where the organisation rules our lives.

I've been here for about a few years now and I still have made limited friends to which I can talk to, since I do live in a confined area; only being let out ever so often to breath fresh air and socialise. This 'time' was only 1 hour each day (if I was lucky enough), they didn't want me to make close friends. I was 'special' or 'unusual' as the organisation called it, I didn't understand and I still don't, the guards avoid me at times.

I still haven't been able to see all the children in the colossal organisation, since the earth became cold, dry, barren and inhabited with only few humans left; about half the population that once inhabited the place. Being outside for long isn't really an option, but I enjoy it while I could. Although the earth became dangerous, humans found refuge in small circular habitable zones; establishing maze-like cities. These maze-like cities are protected from the cold harsh winds, yet in these cities are nothing more than concrete buildings in desert wasteland surrounded by ice and mountain peaks. The organisation now runs what is left of this world, placing strict rules to govern the citizens unfairly.

The only friend I have is a average size girl, with thick dark brown that had curls at the end and chocolate brown eyes; like the kind of chocolate buttons you would eat. This girl was Taylah, she had the same kind of 'special treatment' that I had. We only ever get to see each other for an hour as I mentioned earlier, it's not all bad. We communicate though the walls, well tapping on them; kind of like morse code. One tap for 'A' and three for 'B', yet it's still not the same as talking in person; which would be way better.


"If we are going to do this, we need to have a plan" I said looking over at Rina and Tristan, they nodded in unison at my request. I talked through the plan, detailing it and re-reading it over and over again; to make sure they had got it.

I walked quietly out of the cave, peering over my shoulder to make sure they were following; We made our way under to a large bush, which grew upon the barbed wire fence. Our goal was to get her and get the fuck out! Luckily we had been planning this for weeks, which gave us enough time to dig a straight forward hole into the organisation's large building. The three of us crawled on all fours through the tunnel, making it to the other side in at least 1 minute; I smiled tip toeing to the edge of the large concrete building, with Rina and Tristan hot on my trail. I nodded, as Tristan carefully made his way to a large pin-pad , smashing it causing the doors of the building to open, the three of us followed Tristan's lead as we stopped at a large red button. I smiled looking back at Rina behind me, 'Rina hit it!' I said in a playful manner as I linked our brains, making sure she could here my thoughts.

As she smirked back at me nodded, Rina banged her hand on an alarm as flashes of red covered the wall. "Tristan" I spoke softly pointing my head to a large silver door, in which had a swipe pad in which was to be unlocked by a keycard; Tristan stormed over there bashing his hand into the swipe pad, causing the large metal door to fly open. "You take them, I'll go after her" I said directing my conversation to Tristan, he nodded quickly as he raced into the concrete room. "Rina, I expect you to get the other one" I said sharply, locking my gaze onto Rina; she didn't speak, yet nodded in response.


As time passed on we started to be separated even more, as if it was too dangerous to have us near each other. Until a sudden wave of panic flooded throughout the halls of this colossal place, sirens were blaring and flashes of red covered the wall. I could see from the window of my door, people running; mainly children. I pounded the door helplessly as a tallish girl looked at me with her silver, emotionless eyes, them seemed to stare at me for a while as if this girl was staring into my soul. The thing that perplexed me next was the thick metal door being unlocked, w-when she couldn't of had the pass in the first place. The door laid ajar, the unknown girl grabbed my hand pulling me with her down the plain white corridor, "w-where are you taking me?!?" I mumbled nervously as if I said something wrong; it would be the end of my existence.

The girl didn't answer as her dark red scarf seemed to block my vision, I pulled my arm furiously as she seemed to drag me further with every pull. My concentration was disrupted by a sound, a sort of human like voice; 'Calm down Jordyn, I'm here to save you'. My heart stopped, just as my movement did, how did the voice know my name? And where did it come from?! My mind raced with questions, as a sound flooded my mind that was already racing; it sounds like a sort of 'zoom'.

My thoughts were then interrupted by a sharp pain aching arm, my hand instantly moving to cover the cut, yet this wasn't a cut. My skin had just been pierced by a sharp object, the hand I had moved to the area pulled the device out of my already blood soaked arm. I threw the device to the floor as my vision started to blur, my mind still spinning with questions as my footing started to fail and I couldn't stand no longer. My legs failed and my body fell, my head slammed to the ground, as I felt a shiver go down my spin. The sounds of footsteps and voices cleared my thoughts, closing my eyes slowly; the girl that had dragged my hand looked me as if to say 'Don't worry', then the darkness consumed my vision and feeling in my body was no more.


I left the two to their own devices, to carry out the orders I set firmly for them; they were loyal and dear friends of mine. I stopped at a door, it looked the same to every other door in this complex building; "This is her cell" I whispered to myself before looking into the small window just above the swipe pad. I got a glimpse of the girl, before we locked eyes; I started at her cold and emotionless as I desperately tried to tap into my inter thought. 'Open the door'  I spoke to myself sharply, as the door did so, leaving it slightly ajar, I pushed the door out further grabbing her wrist firmly.  "w-where are you taking me?!?" The girl mumbled her breath, I didn't answer; shooting a 'shut the fuck up' at her. 

I pulled her down the plain white corridor, as my red scarf seemed to fly after me, I could feel the girls nervous as she pulled away from me, 'Calm down Jordyn, I'm here to save you'  I spoke calmly in her mind; connected our thoughts together. 

I kept running as I felt her weight get heavier, starting to drag me down almost. I looked back at her, seeing her arm pouring blood; "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I whispered to myself in a angrily tone before kneeling down before her, seeing the needle that had shot her lay clearly on the floor. Children ran past, screaming, panicking! 'I need help' I called as, looking up to find Tristan by my side, He lifted the girl up with ease, and started to run; as I was on hot on his trail. 

We met Rina out the front of our homemade tunnel, she had a girl with large brown curls and chocolate brown eyes; grasping her wrist firmly. "We must go!" I said firmly as the others followed my lead, quickly sprinting to home; gasping for a breath of air. I looked over at Tristan, he smiled at me as I smirk started to appear from the side of my lip; "Can you take her to bed?" I asked as he nodded, Tristan doesn't say much, compared Rina... She's a chatter box! 

I walked over to the girl in which Rina grasped, "Taylah I am Angelica."

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