Part 1 - Before

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      "Well come on then," The Doctor complained, pulling me after him as he made his way toward the door. I was currently struggling with two things. The first was trying to ensure that I didn't fall out of my shoes; and the second being I didn't laugh too loudly at his hair,out of fear he might become the oncoming sulk yet again. Something I really wasn't willing to deal with today. He stopped with his hand on the doorknob and turned back to me. "Are you ready?" He inquired,the childish grin I had come to love so much stretched all the way across his face and lighting up his eyes. I nodded and he twisted the knob. "Amber Vaughn, I give you, London; Nineteen Fifty Three."

     I stepped outside, and this time I couldn't contain my laughter as I looked around. There were several rows of neat little houses, and smaller streets leading to somewhere I couldn't see. At the end of the street we were standing on I could see there was a large building that looked to be either a church or a hospital. Possibly both I suppose. I scanned my eyes over the buildings a second time, and though I could tell this was indeed the nineteen fifties this was definitely not London. Not even close.

     "Your driving really does suck." I wheezed as I tried to stand upright. He frowned, looking around much as I had done.

"Oh come on." He complained. "I was so sure I got it right this time." I rolled my eyes.

     "That's what you said when you promised to take me to Ancient Greece to help build the Parthenon. First we ended up at the bloody Asylum running from insane Daleks for a week. And then we ended up on Canis Major hiding from Tannis for almost a month while he tried to take the TARDIS. And then there was... oh what was it called... Augea trying like hell to avoid Hercules and his twelve labours. And Hera after you caught her fancy. Do you see my problem here?" He nodded,smiling sheepishly at me. "I'm seriously starting to question whether you can actually fly this thing at all or if you just happen to get lucky sometimes." He blushed, running a hand through his hair and pulling it back; surprised when he found it coated in grease.

     "Alright so this isn't London, but the TARDIS always takes us where we need to go. She told me so once." I raised an eyebrow, but I knew better than to ask questions when he spoke as though the TARDIS was an actual person. "So let's go back inside and I'll try and figure out why it is that she's brought us here." I nodded slowly, taking a step away from him.

     "Okay. While you're doing that I'm gonna go and have a look around." He opened his mouth to protest, but I waved it away. "She can't tell you everything Doctor." He still didn't look convinced,and I rolled my eyes. "Don't look so worried. I'm just gonna look,maybe talk to some locals." I paused. "If I find anything I'll come right back and tell you alright. I won't walk into danger alone again. If I'm going to do something stupid you have my word I'll make sure you're there to witness it." He nodded.

     "Alright, but don't go too far; if I find something I don't want to spend all day looking for you." I rolled my eyes again; something that seemed to happen frequently whenever I spent any time with him.He always seemed to forget that we had a time machine. I gave a little wave and turned to face the large building I had noticed earlier. "Don't wander off!" He called after me and I turned back long enough to glare at him before he ducked inside the TARDIS and I walked on.

     I had just reached the bottom steps of the large building when a tall blond man dressed in a policeman's uniform pushed the door open and dragged a boy; probably not much older than me, out behind him. I wasn't close enough to hear what the officer said to him, but the pained look on the boys face told me everything I needed to know. The officer thrust his arm forward and released the boy. He teetered on his feet for a moment before losing his balance, toppling down on the stairs and rolling right toward me.

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