Time to Party

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Cas rubbed at his face with the palm of his hand. It was 6:02 right after he got back from the dumb cleanup where numerous times, Dean Winchester would look his way, but he left early for some unknown cause. He was suspicious about where the green eyed man went but knew he shouldn't be, with the fact that he hates his guts.

Cas grabbed some nice clothes that he laid out and turned on the shower water, waiting until it warmed up a bit. He stepped in, feeling the warm heat against his skin. Cas lathered soap through his thick hair and attempting to brush through it with a comb he had, though it was uncomfortable.

Castiel walked into his bedroom, towel wrapped tightly around his hips, water still rolling off along with some steam from the warm water mixed with cool air in his crappy apartment. His fingers itched as he reached for his clean set of underwear and pants, tugging them over his damp skin. Then he pulled on a long sleeved gray sweater with a brown vest overtop. He slid his feet into some slipperish, yet nice, brown shoes to top off the look. Now the hair. He dried it and pulled it through with moose, and his preferred brand.

Smiling sheepishly, he ran his finger over his eye brows. Then he wandered out the door and towards the school for the third time that day, hoping and praying not to run into Dean Winchester.

He wished Amber had decided to meet him outside instead so he didn't have to search through a million people trying to find her. He caught glimpse of her, her green eyes sparking and her red hair pulled up into a high ponytail with French braids in the side. She was chatting with two other girls, looking just as nerdy as her.

"Castiel!" She waved and pulled him towards her friends.

"Amber! You look amazing." He glanced over her canary yellow dress with a nice silver belt. It wasn't too short but just enough for Cas.

"Thank you. You look pretty stunning yourself. Here." She shifted behind him and pulled off the brown vest. "Now you look a little more care-free." Amber teased, tugging at his collar, to move it into place. "We can put this on a coat rack, Mr. Fancy Pants. Kara will you take this?"

A girl with brunet hair nodded, smiling happily. Kara and another girl left to deposit the jacket and now Amber and Cas were alone, of course with groups of other people around.

"Man this music is loud!" Cas shouted, almost not hearing himself.

"What?!" Amber called back.

"I said 'Man-" Cas was cut off by Amber.

"Castiel I was joking! I heard what you said." She laughed. "We should get drinks." She smiled and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along without giving him time to object.

The music blared around him, rap music that Cas wasn't quite familiar with. He mostly listened to pop rock like Fall Out Boy or Panic!At The Disco. Occasionally Nickleback songs appeared on his que but other than that, he liked things that had lots of lyrics but also had a little rock edge. ACDC? Just a little too much for him.

Cas turned his attention back to Amber as she handed him a cup of beer in a red solo cup like most parties. He sipped out of it and then held out by his side as Amber led the way to another area, reuniting with Kara and the other blonde girl.

"Oh sorry Castiel I didn't introduce you. This is Kara and Millie." She nodded at the two and Cas shook each of their hands.

"Millie and I are off to meet some boys." Kara bit her lip and smiled cheekily at Amber. "You should come with Amb, it'll be fun."

"No no! Castiel doesn't know anyone else so I'm going to stick with him, thanks guys." Amber smiled back.

Millie leaned in and whispered something to Amber, who giggled and swatted her shoulder. "Stop Kara!" She spat but laughed then.

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