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Right now we are trying to get Carmen in her car seat but we're having trouble. So we call in a nurse in help and the nurse gets her in no problem. Then I get a text saying my mom is waiting in front of the hospital and I text back. Then I ask Crispo if he is ready
Cj: ready?
Crispo: yeah ready?
Cj: yeah
Crispo: are you ready?
Carmen: yeah daddy (talking in her head)
We all walk down with me carrying Carmen and Crispo carrying my bag and to the car and mom helps put her seat in. Then we drive away from the hospital and I have music playing on my phone to keep Carmen happy. And when we get on our street this song called "This Is Home" by Bryan Lanning starts to play. And me and Crispo sing along and I think this is our new our song because now it's home because of Carmen and she is coming home. (Next lines are them singing along and I changed he to she because in one line it said he)

All my life, I wanted a family to call my own
And here you come Singing my favorite song,
Oh You take my hand and said let me take you to better days
All my life, I wanted a love that felt so strong
Like your mom and dad
But never a battle to be won
Then you took my hand, Oh and showered me with grace.
Wherever are you are, That's where I wanna be.
All it took was a ring and that soft sunset, Big blue eyes welled up and said....
"This is home"
In the refrigerator light you never looked so good, Holding you tight and kissin' all I could, singing "I am home",
And that's where I wanna be, Yeah whenever you're with me
Little hands, that took far too long to hold,
I bring you close, never want to let go,
The nurse wrapped you up and said "she'll do amazing things".
Little curls, that we never want to tame,
You look just like dad, but your momma's eyes' the same,
We'll both hold you up, and show you a bright new world.
Wherever you are, That's where I wanna be.
All it took was a laugh and that soft sunset, lil' blue eyes looked up and said "this is home",
Just running around you never looked so cute, Hugging you tight, cuddlin' all I could, singing "I am home",
And that's where I wanna be, Yeah whenever you're with me.
Na na, na na na na, na na, na na na na This is Home hey, na na, na na na na, na na, na na na na, I am home.
Wherever you are, That's where I wanna be, wherever you are, That's where I wanna be I'm Home

(I shipped to the part where Crispo and Cj are in Cj's room with Carmen putting her to bed)
We just sang Carmen to sleep and put her in her bassinet for bed and me and Crispo start to talk.
Crispo: she is so perfect
Cj: I know
Crispo: and just thinking she is ours
Cj: yeah your her dad and I'm her mom
Crispo: it's a little wried but I don't care because if she didn't come now we would never have her
Cj: yeah I couldn't ask for her in a million years she is my baby girl
Crispo: me too like she's my little princess and your my princess too (kissing her on the side of her head)
Cj: so you gave two princesses
Crispo: yeah
Cj: so how does it feel?
Crispo: how does what feel?
Cj: to have your little princess
Crispo: awesome and how does it feel?
Cj: what?
Crispo: to have your baby girl
Cj: awesome
Crispo: now let's get some sleep before Carmen wakes up
Cj: yeah
We get in our pjs and go to bed then Carmen wakes up at 2:36 in the morning

Well, Carmen is home and Cj and Crispo have a new baby girl and a new our song. And the song This Is Home by Bryan Lanning is on YouTube and to write this I watched the lyric video. But check out the music video anyway read the next chapter because it'll be about Carmen's first day home.

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