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This is a picture of the tiara and dress for Carmen's costume
I'm having a dream about the day Carmen was born but I'm woken up by Carmen yelling for Cj who was woken up too we go to check on her. And if your wounding I slept over for Carmen's birthday.
Carmen: mommy!
Crispo: hi Carmen
Carmen: mommy!
Cj: mommy is here
Carmen: yay!
Crispo: hey, don't you want me?
Carmen: yes
Cj: do you know what day it is?
Carmen: no
Cj: you knew yesterday!
Carmen: I forgot
Crispo: should we tell her?
Cj: together?
Crispo: why not
Both: happy birthday Carmen!
Carmen: happy birthday to me!
Cj: yeah one year ago today you were in my tummy but later today you were born
Carmen: I was in your tummy?
Cj: yeah
Crispo: you were swimming in mommy's tummy
Carmen: mommy? Daddy?
Both: yeah
Carmen: where do babies come from?
We both get a "What are we going to do" face and I say the best thing that comes to mind
Crispo: from mommies tummies
Carmen: oh ok
Then Cj looks at me with a "good answer" face and she asks
Cj: Carmen, what holiday is it?
Carmen: Halloween!
Cj: yeah and what are you going to be for Halloween?
Carmen: I don't know
She doesn't know what she'll be and no one else does either because we wanted it to be a surprise
Carmen: can I see my costume?
Cj: sure come with me
Cj gets her out of the crib and Carmen follows to Cj's room and in her closet is the princess costume. Cj takes it out and Carmen's face lights up with excitement and happiness and she starts to yell
Carmen: I love it! I love it! I love it! Thank you mommy and daddy!
We laugh and tell her your welcome
Cj: your welcome
Crispo: but stop yelling
Carmen: ok but...
Crispo: but what?
Carmen: what do we do now?
Crispo: Cj?
Cj: I dunno know
Carmen: Shimmer and Shine!
Cj/ Crispo: ok
We watch Shimmer and Shine but I don't pat much attention because I'm texting Fenwick and Alyssa to come over to see Carmen and her costume. After the show we eat breakfast, get dressed, then we play and I check the time and it's 4:30 and I think it's time to get Carmen in her costume.
Crispo: Cj?
Cj: yeah?
Crispo: I think it's time to get Carmen in her costume
Carmen: yeah!
Cj: I don't know
We both look at Cj saying
Carmen/Crispo: please.......

I don't think it's time to put it her costume on yet but who could say no to them right now. I just laugh and smile and say
Cj: ok let's put on her costume
Carmen: yay!
After she saids that she runs up the stairs and to her room I guess waiting for us. So I get up and walk to the stairs but Crispo doesn't get up so I ask him why.
Cj: aren't you going?
Crispo: no, I want to be surprised when my little princess is ready
I can't help but smile and walk up the stairs seeing Carmen jumping up and down with excitement.
Carmen: mommy, where's my costume?!
Cj: come with me baby girl
Carmen: ok!
She follows me to my room and I get out her costume and some clothes for her to wear under her costume. And I forgot to say what the dress looks like it's a pink simple dress, puffy sleeves at the top, a ruffle bottom, it's plane at the top until the wrest, and a simple tiara. I do her hair in a French braid, put ruffle sock on her feet, put her in a white long sleeve shirt, with jeans which are very comfy, then I put on the dress. She twirls around and smiles at me but her look isn't finished. I get a pair of fancy yet pair of sneakers on her feet, put the tiara on her head, and give her a small/big candy bucket. I step back and she truly looks like a princess
Cj: Carmen, you look so pretty
Carmen: thanks mommy!
Cj: let's look in the mirror
Carmen: ok
She looks in the mirror and she smiles with excitement and happiness
Carmen: I love it!
Cj: let's go show daddy
Carmen: ok!
Before we leave I get a text from Crispo saying My mom, dad, Ronbie, Fenwick and Alyssa waiting to see Carmen in her costume. And Alyssa is very hyper. I text back saying we're going down stairs now and I go down first but I tell Carmen to wait until I tell her to come down.
Mom: where's Carmen?! (Excitedly)
Alyssa: yeah! I have to get a picture! (With hyper ness)
Cj; Carmen, you can come down now
After I tell her that she comes down with a smile on her face and after everyone sees her they mob her when she comes down. They take pictures including me and Crispo and some pictures of me, her, and Crispo. And after the pictures were about to leave for trick or treating I remember the her ribbon and I go to get it and put it on her then we leave. But only me, Alyssa, Fenwick, and Crispo go with Carmen because my mom, dad, and Ronbie are handling trick or treaters.
Carmen: mommy, what are we doing?
Cj: we're going trick or treating
Carmen: what's that?
Alyssa: trick or treating is were we go to house to house for candy
Carmen: candy!
Crispo: but Carmen you can't eat candy yet
Carmen: how old do I have to be?
Cj: at least 1 years old
Carmen: I'm one years old!
Crispo: then you can have some
Carmen: yay!
As we go house to house people see it's her birthday and give her more candy and later Fenwick, Crispo, and Alyssa convince me to take Carmen to a haunted house but I  don't think Carmen will like it. And when we get to the haunted house we run in to Mindy. And I try my best to keep her away from Carmen but Carmen ash who is Mindy and how she knows me and why she keeps flirting with Crispo.
Carmen: who are you?
Mindy: I'm Mindy
Carmen: hi Mindy, how do you know my mommy?
Mindy: we go to school together
Carmen: why are you talking to my daddy like that?
Mindy: because your daddy is supposed to be with me
Carmen: no! He is with my mommy!
Mindy: aren't you feisty
Carmen: yes I am but you stop talking to my daddy like that!
Mindy: well, I can do whatever I want so shut up you little pint sized big mouth!
Carmen: you be quiet you big sized potty mouth!
Some how Mindy doesn't know what to say after that and walks away
Fenwick: did Carmen just make Mindy leave with nothing to say?
Crispo: how does that happen?
Alyssa: apparently Mindy never had a fight with a one year old
I just laugh hysterically because Carmen beat Mindy in argument that was about Mindy flirting with her daddy. Then we all laugh at that and keep walking to the haunted house and we go through but Carmen ends up cry her eyes out because she is scared and her diaper is wet now. I change her and calm her down but she is still scared I hold her the whole way home and when we walk in my mom, dad, and Ronbie say happy birthday Carmen. Apparently they set up a surprise party for Carmen and were's presents, balloons, and my mom is holding a chocolate cake that says on it "Happy 1th Birthday Carmen", and there's a smash cake for her. Carmen is so excited and wanting to get out of my arms so I put her down and she runs to the balloons plays with them. I take pictures of her playing with them and I realize she can't eat her smash cake with her dress on so later I'll take her dress off and keep her in the tiara, shirt, and pants on. Then Carmen ask innocently
Carmen: what is this?
Cj: it's a birthday party
Carmen: what is that?
Crispo: it's to celebrate the day you were born
Carmen: which is today
Cj: yeah
Carmen: so what now?
Crispo: ummmmm........
Cj: mom?
Mom: how about we watch a movie
Carmen: yeah! What movie?
Ronbie: the little mermaid?
Alyssa: I love that movie!
Cj: me too
Crispo: Carmen, do you want to watch the little mermaid?
Carmen: I don't know what that is
Cj: it's about a mermaid named Ariel who loves the land but her dad king triton doesn't like the land because of the humans. But after Ariel goes up again and gets things from a sunken ship and she sees a ship and there is a prince named Eric and she Falls in love with him.
Carmen: I want to see it
Cj: we'll see it together
Carmen: ok!
We find the DVD and play it. Carmen loves it so far and really loves Ariel and after the movie we eat cake and I get Carmen ready for her smash cake
Cj: Carmen, you eat the cake
Crispo: you smash it
Carmen: ok
She beings her arms up and at full speed she smashes the cake and it gets on us but she got the right idea for eating the cake it's easier now to eat
Carmen: did I get it?
Cj: ummmmm.....
Alyssa: yeah you did
Carmen: ok
After cake we open gifts and Carmen got a two doll of Shimmer and Shine, some new clothes and some cute kiddie movies. Then we put her to bed and me and Cj just watched her sleep.
Cj: she's one years old now
Crispo: yeah she looks more like you now
Cj: you sure because I think she has some blonde in her hair
Crispo: yes!
Cj: alright let's leave before she wakes up
We go to sleep and dreaming about the day she was born

Sorry I didn't update for a while I was working on other stories and I've been busy but not that busy. Anyway hope you like this bye

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