Chapter 2 Darrick

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Darrick woke up to see morning light. The sun was shining bright, his father the dark man woke up too. "Darrick close the curtains" he said sleepily. "Sure dad" Darrick said. Darrick went over to the curtains and closed them like his father said. "Thank you" The dark man called. Darrick walked outside the streets of the little home to hundreds of people. The villagers were up but when they spotted Darrick they weren't very happy. "What are you doing here" a man with black leather pants with a ripped T-shirt called madly. "I can walk were I want" Darrick hissed at them. "Well we're trying to work and you always get in the way" a women shouted from were she stood in the crowd. Darrick whipped his head around and glared at the woman. "You dare stand up against me" he snarled. The woman shrunk back but Darrick wasn't finished "You and me on the floor" he screamed. The women almost fainted. "Now" Darrick screamed again. The men and woman step aside so a path lead right to the woman. The woman's legs were shaking crazily her face was red and sweat came down her face. Darrick stepped forward as he did that the lady screamed but he ran forward before she could scream again. He rammed right into her. The lady fell to the floor. She cowered under him. He grabbed her leg and picked her up and flung her in to the crowd. There was thud not long after so they all ran. Someone must have picked up the woman he through because she wasn't there. He walked home pleased what he hade done. As he waked through the door he noticed everyone was watching him. "What" he asked Ucla was the first to speak. "We saw you bet up that lady" she said surprised. "So" Darrick said.  "Well we thought that was amazing" Darrick's father the dark man said "Any who" The evil mother said changing the subject. "You four are leaving today to the school". "WHAT" Mona hollered. The evil mother looked taken back. "Why today" she snapped madly. Darrick wondered why she was so mad. Then his thoughts went back to the argument   "Because today we can make you go" the evil mother snarled "Fine but don't think I'll be happy about this I didn't want to even do this so start thinking of me from now on" Mona yowled. "Fine then off you go".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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