Chapter 3

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Phew, finally.

Enjoy! ^.^


I looked around the Hidden Sand upon reaching it. Everything seemed so dull, unlike the bright colors of Konoha. But it was home.

There were parents everywhere, hugging their children. There were caretakers that gave the young shinobi news of their parents' passing. There were so many emotions around us; I was confused as to what I should feel. Was I supposed to feel happy to be home, excited to see my parents again, sad for the friends that were grieving, resentful towards my father or angry with my mother? Kuro seemed confused too as the two of us scanned the crowd for our parents. And above all the civilian and ninja heads, we spotted them. Two heads of red hair, one spiky, one silky, somber as they walked through the crowd. Father was dressed in shinobi attire, with his thick-rimmed foamy green eyes pinned straight onto the two of us. His black pants and scarlet shirt with a skirt-like section that went to his knees adorned his body. The maroon shinobi vest covered his chest, and his famous gourd of sand sat on his back. The Kazekage hat was placed on his hip, clinging onto the strap of the gourd, next to his headband. He had the kanji for 'love' tattooed on his forehead in red. Mother looked similar. Her hair was tied in a high pony tail, while the Sand headband adorned her forehead. She too had black pants and a scarlet shirt, only her shirt didn't reach her knees. She had a maroon vest and a Leaf symbol on her right arm, with a katana sword on her back. Her deep blue eyes were also pinned on us.

"My darlings" she breathed out as they reached us, reeling us both in for tight hugs. "I've missed you so much" she cooed.

Kuro got out of the hug and hugged Dad as well, while I stayed and buried my face into Mom's shoulder. "I missed you" I whispered.

Mom let go and ushered me to hug Dad, which I did gladly.

"It's been so long, my child" Gaara whispered into my hair.

I let go of him and smiled warmly, forgetting of my resent for him. "But we're here now" I said.

He nodded and let go, turning to my twin. "I understand you take after your mother" he calmly said. "Another pair of Kuraigan will be of great use in times like these"

Kuro nodded but I ticked with nerves, a vein popping on my forehead. We were barely back home and they were already planning to use us in the war?

"And Shiro has mastered her Wind Release and her Sand Release; I understand she knocked out a squad of elves while saving cousin Anku" my brother praised.

Mom's eyes widened, her hair gaining a bit of volume as she tried to control her temper. "You were ambushed?" she squeaked.

"Yeah, we were" I sighed. "But we haven't lost one soul, so that's a plus" I continued.

Not two whole days passed, and I was sent to the front lines, while Kuro was given a Recon squad to lead. But alas, I had Anku to keep me company during the long night stake-outs. Our camp was one mile west from the village, closest to the last known location of our enemies. We had been out here for a week before something finally happened.

"Dammit, Anku" I grumbled. "Lion doesn't need more polishing!"

My cousin put down the jar of wax and the cloth in his hand and patted his wooden lion-shaped puppet. "Lion always needs polishing. My father gave him to me, so I need to keep him in tiptop shape"

I looked at my cousin and his puppet. He looked so much like Uncle Kankuro, it was pretty damn scary. Same spiky brown hair, same sharp face...everything save for the eyes, which were the typical Hyuuga pearl white eyes Aunt Hanabi had. He was lucky; Anku got assets from both his parents: he was a Puppet Master, like his dad, and had the Byakugan from his mom.

The Elders (Sequel of 'The Siblings')Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora